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legal representative


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英文: An Advertising Business Permit specifies information such as the permit number, the name, business premises, legal representative (or responsible person) of the advertising business unit (or institution), the scope of advertising business, the issuing aut

中文: 《广告经营许可证》载明证号、广告经营单位(机构)名称、经营场所、法定代表人(负责人)、广告经营范围、发证机关、发证日期等项目。        更详细...
英文: Article 156 The physical bonds issued by a company shall state the name of company, par value, interest rate, time limit for repayment, and etc., and shall bear the signature of the legal representative and the seal of the company.

中文: 第一百五十六条公司以实物券方式发行公司债券的,必须在债券上载明公司名称、债券票面金额、利率、偿还期限等事项,并由法定代表人签名,公司盖章。        更详细...
英文: Before the conclusion of the bankruptcy proceedings, the legal representative of the bankrupt enterprise shall carry out work according to the requirements of the people's court or the liquidation team, and may not leave his position without authorization

中文: 破产企业的法定代表人在破产程序终结以前,根据人民法院或者清算组的要求进行工作,不得擅离职守。        更详细...
英文: Documents after incorporation: business license, corporate legal person code certificate, national/local tax registration certificate, approval from foreign economic and trade commission,company seal, financial seal and legal representative seal.

中文: 四、成立后的文件:营业执照、企业法人代码证、国/地税务登记证、外经委批文、外商投资批准证书、公章、财务章、法人章。        更详细...
英文: If there is a change in the name, legal representative (or responsible person) or business premises of the work unit, the advertising business unit shall apply for change of Advertising Business Permit within one month of the date of occurrence of such ch

中文: 单位名称、法定代表人(负责人)、经营场所发生变化,广告经营单位应当自该事项发生变化之日起一个月内申请变更《广告经营许可证》。        更详细...

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