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Legislative Council


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英文: According to our schedule, the date and time of our next release will be July 16, 2002, Tuesday, at 2 pm, the latest rating of CE Tung Chee-hwa, people's satisfaction with the HKSAR Government and members of the Legislative Council in general will be rele

中文: 按照计划,《民意网站》下次发放数据的日期及时间为七月十六日星期二下午二时,届时将会公布市民对特首董建华的最新评分、市民对特区政府及立法会议员整体表现满意程度的最新调查结果。        更详细...
英文: Article 50 If the Chief executive of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region refuses to sign a bill passed the second time by the Legislative Council, or the Legislative Council refuses to pass a budget or any other important bill introduced by the go

中文: 第五十条香港特别行政区行政长官如拒绝签署立法会再次通过的法案或立法会拒绝通过政府提出的财政预算案或其他重要法案,经协商仍不能取得一致意见,行政长官可解散立法会。        更详细...
英文: Article 68 The Legislative Council of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region shall be constituted by election.

中文: 第六十八条香港特别行政区立法会由选举产生。        更详细...
英文: Article 70 If the Legislative Council of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region is dissolved by the Chief Executive in accordance with the provisions of this Law, it must, within three months, be reconstituted by election in accordance with Article 6

中文: 第七十条香港特别行政区立法会如经行政长官依本法规定解散,须于三个月内依本法第六十八条的规定,重行选举产生。        更详细...
英文: Article 75 The quorum for the meeting of the Legislative Council of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region shall be not less than one half of all its members.

中文: 第七十五条香港特别行政区立法会举行会议的法定人数为不少于全体议员的二分之一。        更详细...

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