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The first priority is to create the English/Lao technical dictionary.

The first portion of the duodenum (duodenal bulb) is at the far right. 十二指肠的起始段(十二指肠球部)在右边较远处。
The first president appears as a tall, aging statesman. 第一任总统看起来是一位高大成熟的政治家。
The first primitive gunpowder siege artillery, bombards were created in China and Western Europe in the early 14th century and spread to the rest of the world by the late 14th century. 这种最原始的火药攻城器在14世纪在中国和西欧发展出来,并在14世纪的晚期传遍世界。
The first principle of Einstein's Special Theory of Relativity is that the speed of light is always the same regardless of the motion of the observer or the light source. 爱因斯坦的狭义相对论中第一条定律就是光速是恒定的,完全不依赖于观测者及光源的速度。
The first printed newspaper on paper came out in … . 1第一张用纸印刷的报纸出现于。。。
The first priority is to create the English/Lao technical dictionary. 首要的任务是建立英语-老挝语的技术词典。
The first prize was raffle number 80 - an FC Bayern jersey with the number 23, sponsored by Owen himself. 一等奖是80号——一件23号的拜仁运动衫,欧文本人提供的。
The first problem is malnutrition and obesity. 还有一个问题:问题之一是营养不良和肥胖。
The first procedural languages were developed in the late 1950s to early 1960s: FORTRAN, created by John Backus1, and then COBOL, created by Grace Hopper 2 . 最早的过程语言是在20世纪50年代末到20世纪60年代初开发的:FORTRAN语言由约翰?巴克斯创造,然后由格雷斯?霍珀创造了COBOL语言。
The first product to have a barcode on it was a pack of Wrigley's gum. 第一个印上条码的产品是一包青箭口香糖。
The first production line of Yantai North Grille Board Co., Ltd. with total investment of 60 million yuan was put into production formally in Penglai. 总投资6000万元的烟台北方格栅板有限公司第一条生产线在蓬莱正式投产。

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