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“Didier Deschamps leaving made things complicated, but with the influx of new money and the new Coach everything became clearer and we found the grounds for an agreement.

“Dessert and beer. Old man.” My young friend answers conceitedly. I can't believe this. It's not a thing should be proud, is it?? 「甜点跟啤酒。老家伙!!」好友自豪的回答著。我简直不敢相信,这不是件值得骄傲的事吧??
“Dianondbrand ductile iron pipes are peoduced in accordance with the international standard ISO2531 or the BRITISH STANDARD BS4772, we provide service od zing coating, internal lining of cement and flame plation of bitumen, if required. “钻石”牌球墨铸铁管按照国际标准ISO2531/英国标准BS4772生产,我公司根据用户需要进行喷锌、内壁衬水泥、沥青涂料等服务。
“Did the work yield a new method or compound? 这项工作产生了新方法或新物质吗?
“Did you tell me who she is?” “Yes. I did. 「你告诉我她是谁来著?」「她是我的姊妹。」
“Did you think I wouldn't recognise such an attack!? 你以为我不知道这样的攻击!?
“Didier Deschamps leaving made things complicated, but with the influx of new money and the new Coach everything became clearer and we found the grounds for an agreement. “尽管德尚的离开使事情变得复杂,但是新的资金的注入和新主帅的工作条理有序,所以我们达成了协议。”
“Didier is confident because he scored a great goal against Milan in the USA and two goals against Arsenal in Cardiff. “德罗巴本身就是自信的,在美国对阵米兰时和加迪夫球场对阵阿森纳,他就进过很多漂亮的球。”
“Do I hurt you?” I concern. 「我弄伤你了吗??」我关心的问著。
“Do many people come to this inn?” “来住店的人不多。”吉姆的父亲回答。
“Do we have a name on the tipster ? “我们有那个线人的名字吗?”
“Do you believe in love at first sight? Or should I walk by again? “你相信一见钟情么?还是我们应该再邂逅一次~?”

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