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The eastern Yantai-Weihai segment is a mid Pleistocene segment on which no late Pleistocene offset has been found.

The east, where the sun rises, represents life's fertility with the end of winter and coming of spring. 太阳初升的东方代表了冬去春来、万物繁衍昌盛的景象。
The east-side parking lot is very congested. Please use the west-side parking lot where there are plenty of parking spaces and very easy to get in and out. 本校东侧停车场位少,非常拥挤,容易出事故。请各位家长尽量到本校西侧的停车场停车,该停车场地面开阔,环绕整个操场都有停车位。
The eastbound carriageway of the motorway is closed. 高速公路向东方向的行车道已关闭禁止通车。
The easter_days() function returns the number of days after March 21, on which Easter falls for a specified year. 函数的作用是:返回指定年份中位于3月21日之后的某一天超过复活节的天数。
The eastern U.S. state of Virginia is observing a day of mourning Friday to honor the 32 victims of a suicidal gunman's rampage at Virginia Tech university earlier this week. 美国东部的维吉尼亚州星期五定为悼念日,怀念这个星期早些时候在维吉尼亚理工大学被一名自杀枪手残杀的32死难者。
The eastern Yantai-Weihai segment is a mid Pleistocene segment on which no late Pleistocene offset has been found. 东段烟台-威海段为中更新世活动段,没有发现晚更新世地层错断现象。
The eastern and western parts consist of two oldest Archean-Early Proterozoic stable land masses of China, whereas the central part is the Proterozoic land mass, which is rather active due to the compressive action of Qinghai-Tibet plateau. 东、西部由中国最古老的2个太古代-早元古代稳定地块组成,而中部是元古代地块区,因受青藏高原的推挤,活动性较大。
The eastern city under Lion Rock is very beautiful, and full of energy, continuous motorcar's sounds could be heart, and remind visitors that this is a city with fast rhythm, Luo Wen wrote the song Under Lion Rock, perhaps drew him inspiration here, to en 狮子山下的东方之都是美丽的,也是充满活力的,山下传来的是不绝于耳的汽车声,提醒着观景的人们这是一个快节奏的都市,罗文或许就是在这里有感而发,作出《狮子山下》勉励港人积极向上。
The eastern margin of Nansha Waters shows promising prospect for gas hydrates as well. 南沙东部地区也是水合物形成的有利地区。
The eastern part of the country is very flat. 这个国家的西部是多山的。
The eastern seaboard was linked with the Mississippi River system, and the Gulf and South Atlantic states could interchange traffic with the Great Lakes. 东海岸与密西西比河水运系统实现了连接,墨西哥湾及南大西洋沿岸各州也能与大湖区铁路互通。

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