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Ankylosing Spondylitis(AS) is a kind of systemic disease mainly with chronic inflammation of middle axle joint and the bony attachment point of tendon and ligament, with very low incidence, easily diagnosed as other diseases by mistake in clinic.

Anji Xiaofeng factory located in the industrial park, with a standard 5,000-square-meter plant modernization,You have a group of good contingent of workers, the products are exported own domestic cities and regions.With the joint efforts of workers in the 本厂座落在安吉孝丰工业园区,拥有一座5000平方米的标准现代化厂房,本厂拥有一批优良的职工队伍,所生产的产品己销往国内各省市及地区,在全厂职工的共同努力下,今年年产值有望突破500万元大关,是我县重要转椅配件企业。
Ankara replaces Constantinople as the capital of Turkey. 1923年的今天,安卡拉取代君士坦丁堡成为土耳其的首都。
Ankle CA,Adinolfi M,Welsh KL.Im munogenticity of human amniotic epithelial cells after transplantation into volunteers[J].Lancet,1981,317:1003. 陶惠人,王全平,吕荣,等.下腰椎术后硬膜外瘢痕粘连预防的实验研究[J].中华外科杂志,1996,34(6):344-347.
Ankle, foot and achilles tendon injuries are the most common accounting for 20 per cent of all sporting injuries. 脚踝,脚和脚后跟韧带是最常受伤的部位,在所有运动损伤中占20%。
Ankles, empires and bombs have centers and edges. 脚踝、帝国和炸弹都有中心和边界。
Ankylosing Spondylitis(AS) is a kind of systemic disease mainly with chronic inflammation of middle axle joint and the bony attachment point of tendon and ligament, with very low incidence, easily diagnosed as other diseases by mistake in clinic. 强直性脊柱炎(AS)是一种以中轴关节和肌腱韧带骨附着点的慢性炎症为主的全身性疾病,发病率极低,临床上极易误诊为其他疾病。
Ankylosing spondylitis (AS), a rheumatic inflammatory disease primarily affecting the spine and sacroiliac joints, is also called Morbus Bechterewin some European countries. 一种开始影响脊椎和骶髂关节的风湿性炎症疾病,在某些欧洲国家亦称为“别赫捷列夫关节病”。
Ann Anteater ate Andy Alligator's apples, So angry Andy Alligator ate Ann Anteater's ants. 食蚁兽安吃美洲鳄安迪的苹果,非常生气的美洲鳄安迪吃食蚁兽安的蚂蚁。
Ann Jarvis from Grafton, West Virginia, had started the idea to have a day to honor mothers. 西弗吉尼亚州格拉弗顿区的安•贾维斯女士首先想到应有一个特殊的日子向母亲致意。
Ann Summers writes a book to qualify the idea that Florence Nightingale was a hero during the Crimean War. 安娜桑莫丝写了一本书来批评佛罗伦斯蓝丁格尔在克里米亚战争是个英雄的这个想法.
Ann always to stand at the window and waves to see off. 安总要站在窗口前并挥手送别。

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