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They propose the consumers shouldn't be misled by inveracious advs.

They promised to defend companies against super-cheap imports as a way to sugar this free-trade pill. 他们承诺将会保护该国企业免受超级廉价进口品的冲击,以这种方式给自由贸易这剂苦药包上糖衣。
They promised to make it worth her while (ie pay or reward her) if she would take part. 他们许诺说她要是参加就一定给她报酬.
They promised to start in the middle of January. 他们允诺在1月中旬开始。
They promote or transfer employees on the basis of seniority. 他们是根据资历对员工进行提升或调任。
They prophesy lies to you that will only serve to remove you far from your lands; I will banish you and you will perish. 10他们向你们说假预言,要叫你们迁移,远离本地,以致我将你们赶出去,使你们灭亡。
They propose the consumers shouldn't be misled by inveracious advs. 他们建议消费者不要被虚假广告引入歧途(误导).
They propose to begin tonight. 他们打算今晚开始。
They proposed a third formula for the new swimming pool. 他们为新游泳池提出了第三种方案。
They prospered and grew in number. 他们的数量不断发展壮大。
They prostrated themselves before the altar. 他们平伏在祭坛前。
They prostrated themselves before the king. 他们拜倒在国王的脚下。

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