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Jenny: Barb is doing so well. You know she is expecting in May.

Jenny, does she really live here? 珍妮,你真的在迈阿密有母亲吗?
Jenny, stay at home, don\'t go to other places. 停留在家,不去其他的地方。
Jenny: (pause) Yeah. But what about my scholarship, and what about Paris that I have never seen in my whole goddamn life? 詹妮:(沉默片刻)好吧!那我的奖学金怎么办?还有巴黎呢?我这辈子还没能去那里开开眼呢?
Jenny: (sits on his lap) OK...Come on, you got to be strong, you goddamn hockey jock. 詹妮:(坐在奥利弗的腿上)好吧……听我的话,你一定要坚强些,你这个冰球大明星。
Jenny: Are you stupid or something? 珍妮:你是笨还是怎么的?
Jenny: Barb is doing so well. You know she is expecting in May. 芭比一切都很顺利,她怀孕了在五月。
Jenny: Barrett like the poet? 詹妮:跟诗人巴雷特同姓吗?
Jenny: Bullshit, you're looking at my leg. 詹妮:胡说,你明明在看我的大腿。
Jenny: Do you know blog? 詹妮:你们知道博客吗?
Jenny: Do you like your work? 詹妮:你喜欢你的工作吗?
Jenny: He's a nice guy all right; you know, he didn't bullshit me ans that's what I wnted. 詹妮:他是个很好的人,你知道他对我说了实情,这正是我想知道的。

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