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So, in truth, they're dying out there?

So, in the logistics activity that we often put forward, it should be the macroscopical logistics in the logistics to be following, namely: Social logistics , national economy logistics , international logistics. 因此,在我们常提出的物流活动中,下述若于物流应属于宏观物流,即:社会物流、国民经济物流、国际物流。
So, in the magic shop, you'll help customers find rabbits, top hats, handcuffs, rubber chickens, a magic wand, and so on. 因此,在魔术方面购物,你们将会帮助客户找兔子、顶端帽子、手拷、橡皮小鸡,一个魔杖,等等。
So, in the stop, the most important things are to sit, melt down, say “whoa” and use your hands in a variety of ways. 综上,对于停止动作而言,最重要的是:利用骑坐,向下深坐,说“喔——”以及经常变化的用手方法。
So, in the very first day, you will vibrate with the illusion of mass illness and seemingly devastating disruption. 因此,就在第一天,你将以大众疾病的幻影振动而且似乎是毁灭性的崩溃。
So, in theory, a decadal repopulation of all our stem cell populations with new ones whose telomeres had been restored, but which had no telomerase or ALT genes of their own, should maintain the relevant tissues indefinitely while preventing any cancer fr 因此,在理论上,若我们所有的干细胞群体的端粒已被恢复、但没有端粒酶或自己的ALT基因,那么10年的重新群体化将在长时期内维持相应组织而防止达到威胁一定生命阶段的任何癌症。
So, in truth, they're dying out there? 那么,实际上,他们是在坐以待毙吗?
So, instead of bringing a more businesslike approach, Airbus seems to be going backwards. 由此可见,空客并没能提出一种更具商业化的理念,而似乎是在反其道而行之。
So, instead of bringing the racquet straight back to the low point of the backswing, learn to bring the racquet back at about eye level. 因此,不用笔直地带网拍回到背后拉拍的低点,要学习把网拍带回到大约眼睛的高度。
So, instead of creating a NULL_BRUSH, I created a pattern brush by using a chunk of bitmap from where the edit control is going to be shown. 所以我不是创建了一个NULL_BRUSH,而是通过用编辑框所在区域的位图创建了一个模式刷。
So, is the Taiwanese actress an ice queen? 因此,这位台湾女演员是一位冷漠的女王吗?
So, it appears that in an effort to be cautious, many bodybuilders miss out on a great source of protein that offers a multitude of benefits. 因此,这份研究给了我们一个警告,很多健美运动员错失了一个可以提供多种益处的非常重要的蛋白质来源。

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