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Preliminary Studies on the Distribution Characteristic of Endophytic Microbes in Houttuynia cordate

Construction of pQE-EGFP and Enhanced green fluorescent protein expression and identification pQE-EGFP原核表达载体的构建及其表达和鉴定
On the relationship between the transpiration rate and the leaf temperature of four dicotyledon plants 4种常见双子叶植物蒸腾作用与叶温关系的研究
Extraction and Separation of Coenzyme Q10 from Suaeda salsa 碱蓬中辅酶Q10的提取分离
Progress in utilization and development of Eupolyphaga sinensis walker 地鳖虫的利用价值及其开发前景
Site-specific PEGylation of Recombinant Consensus Interferon Mutant Ⅱ 聚乙二醇定点修饰集成干扰素突变体Ⅱ
Preliminary Studies on the Distribution Characteristic of Endophytic Microbes in Houttuynia cordate 鱼腥草内生微生物的分布特征初探
Annual Variation in Testicular Microstructure of Zaocys dhumnades 乌梢蛇精巢显微结构的年周期变化
Progress on Optical Imaging of Functional Brain With High Temporal and Spatial Resolution 高时空分辨的脑功能光学成像研究进展
Satellite-Tracking Migration Route of Great Black-Headed Gulls Breeding at Qinghai Lake,China 卫星跟踪青海湖繁殖地渔鸥的迁徙路线
Historical Vicissitude and Vegetation Actuality of the Ecological Environment in the West Region 西部生态环境的历史变迁与植被现状
Progress in Function of Osteocytes 骨细胞功能研究进展

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