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Such pollution can occur when used batteries are dumped in landfills or incinerated.

Such planets or stars are few in number in your creation. 在你们的造物里,这些行星的数量极少。
Such plants don't occur here. 这种植物不能在这里生存。
Such pleasures are all too often missed by visitors who come here for brief excursions. 来此短期旅行的游客们往往都错过了这些乐趣。
Such poets as Keats and Shelley wrote Romantic poetry. 有些诗人,如济慈和雪莱,写的是浪漫主义的诗歌。
Such poets as Keats and Shelly wrote romantic poetry. 有些诗人,如济慈和雪莱,写的是浪漫主义诗歌。
Such pollution can occur when used batteries are dumped in landfills or incinerated. 这种污染会在废弃电池被填埋或焚烧时发生。
Such praise will be on the lips of all who have faithfully endured and enter into the Kingdom. 这样的赞美将从那些忍耐到底,进入神国的人口中发出。
Such pre-payment schedules, whether formally constructed or implemented on your own, can typically save you 25 percent to 29 percent in interest over the life of your loan. 如此的先付安排,是否正式构造或自己实现了,典型地在你的贷款上,省去你25%-29%的利息。
Such premium portion of overtime wages shall not include any overhead, profit or markups of the Development Manager or the Subcontractor(s), or any other costs, expenses, General Conditions Costs or Fees. 该等加班费的超出部分不得包含任何开发管理人或分包商的管理费用、利润或加价,或任何其他的成本、支出、一般条件造价或费用。
Such primary tumors of the heart are rare. 这种心脏原发瘤罕见。
Such principles are alien to our religion. 这些原则与我们的宗教信仰相抵触。

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