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【Abstract】This paper puts forward the basic idea of establishing comprehensive administrative law-enforcement mode for integrative ports, and proves the feasibility based on theory analysis and law gists, in order to solve some disadvantages existing in c

【Abstract】 Objective To study clinicopathologic features and to analyze differential of malignant mesothelioma.Methods A case of malignant mesothelioma of the mediastinum was observed with pathologic examination and the literaturenas briefly reviewed.Resu 恶性间皮瘤发病率很低,大部分发生于胸膜和心包膜[1],此瘤临床无特异性症状和体征,需与其他纵隔肿瘤相鉴别,方能作出正确诊断,现将1例纵隔恶性间皮瘤的临床病理资料报告如下,并结合文献对该肿瘤的形态结构特点、诊断与鉴别诊断、治疗与预后进行讨论。
【Abstract】 Off-budget fund is an extremely special part in the public finance of China, decentralization carved out a way to the development of the off-budget income, and it has become out of control from then on. 预算外收入是我国公共财政中极为奇特的一部分,分权化改革为预算外收入打开了缺口,自此,它便一发不可收拾起来。
【Abstract】 There are two main forms to carry out Distance education in Japan: one is the open and distance education represented by the University of the Air; The other is communicated education in fulltime universities. 远程教育在日本开展的形式主要有两种,一是以放送大学为代表的开放式远程教学,二是全日制大学的通信制远程教学。
【Abstract】 This article narrated the high-pressured frequency changer in iron-smelting dust removal system transformation analysis as well as the economic efficiency analysis. 本文讲述了高压变频器在炼铁除尘系统中的改造分析以及经济效益分析。
【Abstract】: The article researches into calculating charge about Short Message by the numbers. :本论文对短信计费进行了系统研究。
【Abstract】This paper puts forward the basic idea of establishing comprehensive administrative law-enforcement mode for integrative ports, and proves the feasibility based on theory analysis and law gists, in order to solve some disadvantages existing in c 为解决综合性港口现行水上交通安全行政执法模式中存在的诸多执法体制弊端,提出了构建行政综合执法模式的设想,并从理论基础和法律依据两方面对此模式的构建进行了可行性论证。
【Action and Use】It significantly enhances mature follicle ovulation and induces luteum to continue production in female animals. It can stimulate female animals into estrus. 本品可促进雌性动物成熟卵泡排卵和黄体生成,延缓黄体的存在;并能刺激卵巢分泌雌激素而引起发情。
【Action and Use】The treatment of endometritis, pyometra, vaginitis, cervicitis, puerperal disorders, and local bleeding from the uterus,acutemastitis,fester . 防治子宫内膜炎、子宫积脓、阴道炎、子宫颈炎、产后子宫弛缓、子宫局部出血、急性乳房炎,外科脓疮等。
【Administration and Dosage】Oral administration, 1bottle each time, twice a day. 口服,一次1支,一日2次。
【An Islamic militant website】 has released a video 【allegedly】 showing the capture of three US soldiers. 一个伊斯兰武装分子的网站公布了一个据称是三名美军士兵俘虏的视频。
【Applic a tion 】 This is the large ring lactone class antibiotic. 本品为大环内酯类抗生素。

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