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On that day, all the families will eat noodles or fried glutinous rice blocks, and pop corn as part of the festivity.

On that day the prince is to provide a bull as a sin offering for himself and for all the people of the land. 22当日,王要为自己和国内的众民预备一只公牛作赎罪祭。
On that day they were escorted to the Great Wall of China. 他们那天和陪同人员去参观中国的长城。
On that day twenty-five thousand Benjamite swordsmen fell, all of them valiant fighters. 46那日便雅悯死了的共有二万五千人,都是拿刀的勇士。
On that day, Chinese legend says, the gate to hell is opened at midnight, and ghosts swarm into the world of human beings in search of food and money. 我们的传说里讲,这天午夜的时候阴间的门是敞开的,鬼魂就来到人间找吃的和钱。
On that day, I became your bride. 那一日,我是你的新娘。
On that day, all the families will eat noodles or fried glutinous rice blocks, and pop corn as part of the festivity. 这一天,家家户户还要吃面条、炸油糕、爆玉米花,以示吉庆。
On that day, people dress up like ghost, dance with rhyme of the music, to catch that once in a year chance, enjoy the wild party and have fun! 在这一天,人们会把自己打扮成幽灵鬼怪,合着音乐一起舞动,好好把握这一年难得一次的狂欢。
On that day, people in love like to go to the temple of Matchmaker and pray for their love and the possible marriage. 在情人节那天,恋爱中的人喜欢到月下老人庙,祈求保佑他们的爱情和可能的婚姻。
On that day, people often play firecrackers,hang lantern, affix Spring Festival couplets and New Year paintings,pay New Year‘s call and eat Jiao-zi. 春节前的一段日子,中国人早早地开始买年货.他们买蔬菜.鱼和肉.新衣服和种种其他的东西.他们打扫房屋,把自己的家布置一新.
On that day, thankfulness would have cost 20 cents, and it would have been the best ice cream I'd ever had. 在那一天,感恩只花费了20分(买了冰淇淋),而它则成了我吃过的最好吃的冰淇淋。
On that day, there will also be a launching ceremony from 11am to 12pm! 当天上午11时至12点钟也将举行一项推介礼。

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