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But, in the very testy exchange with one reporter, Mr. Blair refuse to support the Iraq court's sentence.

But, in one of his first efforts to redirect the NYSE, he has proposed an ineffectual reform that still leaves the fox guarding the henhouse. 但是,在他为重组纽约证交所进行的初步努力中,他提出了一项无效的改革计划,该计划仍然是在让“狐狸看管鸡舍”。
But, in spite of this greeting, Anna Pavlovna's countenance showed signs on seeing Pierre of uneasiness and alarm, such as is shown at the sight of something too big and out of place. 虽然这是迎接下级的礼节,但一看见皮埃尔走进门来,安娜·帕夫洛夫娜脸上就表现出惊惶不安的神情,有如看见一只不宜于此地栖身的巨大怪物似的。
But, in the African scheme, he is a commonplace sort of villain (see article). 但是,从非洲计划来看,他不过是一个彻头彻尾的恶棍而已。
But, in the longer term, a melting of snow and ice might allow more southerly spider species to march northwards. 不过,从长远角度看,(北极)冰雪的融化也有可能促使生活在相对靠南地区的蜘蛛向北方迁移。
But, in the very testy exchange was one reporter, Mr. Blair refuse to support the Iraq court′s sentence. 但是就在这同一个不耐烦的谈话中,布莱尔拒绝支持伊拉克法庭的判决。
But, in the very testy exchange with one reporter, Mr. Blair refuse to support the Iraq court's sentence. 但是就在与一个记者不耐烦的谈话中,布莱尔拒绝支持伊拉克法庭的判决。
But, in the world unique being able to change destiny of humanity's still is to have sapiential human being. 但是,世界上唯一可以改变人类命运的仍然是具有智慧的人类。
But, instead of signalling a top of the market, hedge funds and some mining executives believe prices have further to rise because they remain far from their highs in real price terms. 但对冲基金和一些矿业管理人士并没有发出市场见顶的信号,相反,他们认为价格会进一步上升,因为以实际价格衡量,它们仍远未达到高点。
But, it all comes down to the individual. 但最后还是取决于个人。
But, it is not just in the penal society that mind control measures have been used. 由于精神控制的方法曾被用过,但它不仅仅存在于刑法社会。
But, it need privity to take 2 hearts to crash into lovery fires; before that still need one haert chrsh another heart. 但是,共同撞击出火花,这需要默契;默契之前,还是需要一颗心去敲打另一颗心。

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