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Rubber joint by the steering box made longer to match body lift.

Rubber has more resilience than wood. 橡胶有比木头更大的弹性。
Rubber is abstracted from trees. 橡胶是从树中抽取的。
Rubber is elastic. 橡皮是有弹性的。
Rubber is the country's principal export. 橡胶是该国主要出口物。
Rubber is widely used as it can withstand large strains without permanent deformation or fracture. 摘要橡胶因能承受大应变而不发生永久变形或断裂而得到广泛应用。
Rubber joint by the steering box made longer to match body lift. 方向机轴头连接延长。
Rubber pressure wheel to guarantee the paper box without traces. 橡胶压轮,确保纸盒不留痕迹。
Rubber protective wax is made from paraffin wax with low melting point, paraffin wax with high melting point and polyethylene wax. 橡胶防护蜡,是由低熔点石蜡、高熔点石蜡、微晶蜡和聚乙烯蜡制成的。
Rubber roller's rolling press win a continue stamping for efficiency. 胶辊旋转传热烫印,胶辊以直线与加工面接触。
Rubber seed is a new oil source. 摘要橡胶籽油是一种新的油源。
Rubber – has similar characteristics as synthetic materials; is used for special safety work boots. 橡胶-与人造材料有相似的物性,多应用于安全靴。

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