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Weihai Yufeng Fruits and Vegetables Refrigeration House produced 500 thousand tons of Fuji apple, 100 thousand tons of grape, 80 thousand tons of pears, as well as capsicum, common onion, balloonflower, spinach, garlic, Chinese cabbage, radish, and peanut

Weights are assigned to these criteria and combined to form a scorecard used to grade companies. 对这些标准设定指标,做成积分卡,用来对公司进行分类。
Weights fixed around the car to maximise its balance and bring it up to the minimum weight limit. 为了使赛车平衡达到最佳及达到最低重量标准所放置的鸭仓物。
Weights shown in the above chart are based on 3_phase motors, weights for single phase, brake, or special motor shall be referred to specific values. 表中重量以配合三相马达为主,其它单相、煞车、特殊马达重量另订。
Weigley. A Strategy of Sea Power and Empire.Chapter 9 in The American Way of War. pp. 167-191. Supplements the preceding. 海军强国的一种战略〉,《美国式的战争》第九章,167-191页。前面的补充资料。
Weihai Hengda Electric Machinery(Group)Co,Ltd is rich, the production technology is advanced, production is self-contained, detection means is perfect. 威海恒大电机集团拥有省级高效节能电机工程技术研究中心,技术力量雄厚,生产工艺先进,生产设备齐全,检测手段完善。
Weihai Yufeng Fruits and Vegetables Refrigeration House produced 500 thousand tons of Fuji apple, 100 thousand tons of grape, 80 thousand tons of pears, as well as capsicum, common onion, balloonflower, spinach, garlic, Chinese cabbage, radish, and peanut 威海市裕丰冷风库年产富士苹果50万吨,葡萄10万吨,梨8万吨及辣椒、元葱、桔梗、菠菜、大蒜、大白菜、白玉萝卜、花生等名优蔬菜供出口加工。
Weihe basin is just located in the interjunction of many tectonic systems, where present many multi-faults. 摘要渭河盆地地处多个构造体系的交汇部位,呈现多条断裂带。
Weijie in the dream of a gigantic stalking me, how Abstract would pick over it .... only appeared in a dream. because mutual Weijie want freedom. 在梦中一枚硕大无比的尾戒缠住了我,怎么摘都摘不下...这,也只能出现在梦中.因为,尾戒想让彼此自由.
Weilacher, Udo. Between Landscape Architecture and Land Art[M]. Birkhaeuser-Publisher for Architecture, 1999. 王向荣,林箐.西方现代景观设计的理论与实践[M].北京:中国建筑工业出版社.
Weiliaozi takes an important position in the history of art of war, and Wei Zheng of the Tang Dynasty collected it into Key Works among Books, together with Sunzi and Wuzi. 《尉缭子》在兵学史上占有重要的地位,唐代魏征把它和《孙子》,《吴子》一起收入《群书治要》。
Weiner's Attribution Theory is a kind of motivation theory to study how people understand and interpret the causal relationship of their own or others' behavior. 运用伯纳德?韦纳的成败归因理论,针对目前部分在校大学生缺乏英语学习动机的现象,制定了成败归因调查表。

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