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In simple terms, the group process leads to a spirit of cooperation, coordination and commonly understood procedures and mores.

In silence they landed, and pushed through the blossom and scented herbage and undergrowth that led up to the level ground, till they stood on a little lawn of a marvellous green, set round with Nature's own orchard-trees—crab-apple, wild cherry, and sloe 他们悄悄上了岸,穿过花丛,芳香的野草和灌木林,踏上平地,来到一片绿油油的小草坪,草坪四周,环绕着大自然自己的果园——沙果树、野樱桃树、野刺李树。
In silence,every student fell into the meditation. 一片静默之中,在座的同学们都陷入了沉思。
In silking stage, the number of the 3 microorganisms were largest in loam and smallest in clay; and the 5 enzyme activities were highest in loam and lowest in sandy loam. 吐丝期,3种质地土壤玉米根际微生物数量均表现为中壤最多,重壤最少;5种酶活性均表现为中壤最大,砂壤最小。
In simple tension experiment, the stress-strain relationship submits Hook's law within the limit of proportionality. 摘要单向拉伸试验中,在比例极限内,应力应变关系服从胡克定律。
In simple terms, a company should regard hedging as an insurance policy on their funding rate. 简单说来,公司应将套期保值看作是其筹资利率的一份保单。
In simple terms, the group process leads to a spirit of cooperation, coordination and commonly understood procedures and mores. 简单来说,团队工作程序代表了合作精神,协调能力和对规程的常识性理解等等方面。
In simple terms, the world buys from these countries and they then invest the net proceeds in financial markets. 简单的说就是,这个世界从这些国家购买,然后这些国家将这些净收入投入金融市场。
In simple terms, you will now be able to get more than one charge out of a unit and you will be able to charge skirmishers with your lance down. 换句话说,你将可以用一个单位来反复冲锋,而且在追逐散兵的时候也可以平举长矛发动冲锋。
In simple words, Peter is not talking to people saved for some time, but to newly repentant converts. 简单而言,彼得不是向一些已经相信了一段时间的人演说,而是对一些刚刚悔改的人而说的。
In simpler terms, it is kinesiologically incorrect to attempt to develop maximal propulsive forces with the body rolled beyond 45 degrees. 简单来说,试图以超过45度的身体滚动来获得最大化的推进力的尝试是错误的。
In simplest sexual terms, China became modern when it abolished bound feet and polygamy. 以最简单的性别词汇来说,当中国废除了缠足与一夫多妻制,它就迈向现代化。

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