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As the polarity shuffles, the dream will cease to continue to pull together regions that may prefer to exist under separate governance and constitutions.

As the plane fell rapidly towards the ground, the pilot had to eject . 在飞机迅速落向地面时,驾驶员只得弹射出来.
As the plane wave travels along, the pattern oscillates rapidly, causing it to emit ultraviolet radiation that the researchers observe. 当平面波行进时,干涉的图样会快速振盪,因而放射出紫外线,研究人员便可以观测得到。
As the plate collides into and slips under the massive Eurasian plate to the north, it lifts the world's highest mountain ranges, the Himalayas, even higher. 这个板块以每年40公釐的速度往北移动,当它跟北边巨大的欧亚板块发生碰撞,或者是滑入欧亚板块时,世界最高的喜马拉雅山脉也被垫得更高了。
As the play has been showing for so long, it now needs to be refreshed with some new details in the style of production or a change of actors. 由于该剧上演了很长时间了,现在需要通过更换演员或在影片制作风格上加入一些新的细节来为它注入新的活力。
As the play worked up to a climax, all the spectators held their breath and silence reigned through the hall. 当那出戏逐渐达到高潮时,观众们个个屏息凝气,整个大厅鸦雀无声。
As the polarity shuffles, the dream will cease to continue to pull together regions that may prefer to exist under separate governance and constitutions. 当极性转变时,梦想将停止继续拉拢那些意愿独立出去,建立独立政府与宪法的地区。
As the police try to piece together what happened, the convoluted relationship between a young woman and her two suitors gradually emerges. 当警察试着调查究竟时,一个关系复杂的年轻妇人和她的情人逐渐浮出水面来。
As the polls stand today, there has been a levelling-off in support for Mr Bayrou, who leads the centrist Union for French Democracy, and has sat in parliament for 21 years. 根据近日的民调显示,这位法国民主中间派人物、当选国会议员21年的贝鲁的支持率在稳步上升。
As the ponds are quite small and not very deep, it has been proposed that a single grab dredger be used for the operation. 由于池塘面积较小而且水不太深,已建议在操作时使用单抓斗挖泥机。
As the population size are small, it is critically endangered. 因其分布範围狭窄,个体稀少,已处于极危状态。
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