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[NIV] Now about brotherly love we do not need to write to you, for you yourselves have been taught by God to love each other.

[NIV] Nothing will remain but to cringe among the captives or fall among the slain. Yet for all this, his anger is not turned away, his hand is still upraised. 4[和合]他们只得屈身在被掳的人以下,仆倒在被杀的人以下。虽然如此,耶和华的怒气还未转4消,他的手仍伸不缩。
[NIV] Now David was clothed in a robe of fine linen, as were all the Levites who were carrying the ark, and as were the singers, and Kenaniah, who was in charge of the singing of the choirs. 27[和合]大卫和抬约柜的利未人,并歌唱人的首领基拿尼雅,以及歌唱的人,都穿着细麻布的外袍。
[NIV] Now Dinah, the daughter Leah had borne to Jacob, went out to visit the women of the land. 1[和合]利亚给雅各所生的女儿1底拿出去,要见那地的女子们。
[NIV] Now Elimelech, Naomi's husband, died, and she was left with her two sons. 3[和合]后来拿俄米的丈夫以利米勒死了,剩下妇人和她两个儿子。
[NIV] Now Heber the Kenite had left the other Kenites, the descendants of Hobab, Moses' brother-in-law, and pitched his tent by the great tree in Zaanannim near Kedesh. 摩西岳父(或作“内兄”)14何巴的后裔15基尼人希百,曾离开基尼族,到靠近基低斯16撒拿音的橡树旁,支搭帐棚。
[NIV] Now about brotherly love we do not need to write to you, for you yourselves have been taught by God to love each other. 9[和合]论到弟兄们相16爱,不用人17写信给你们。因为你们自己蒙了神的18教训,叫你们彼此相19爱。
[NIV] Now let them put away from me their prostitution and the lifeless idols of their kings, and I will live among them forever. 9[和合]现在他们当从我面前远除邪淫和他们君王的18尸首,我就住在他们中19间直到永远。
[NIV] Now listen, you rich people, weep and wail because of the misery that is coming upon you. 1[和合]嗐,你们这些1富足人哪,应当哭泣、2号啕,因为将有苦难临到你们身上。
[NIV] Now that God has unstrung my bow and afflicted me, they throw off restraint in my presence. 11[和合]松开他们的绳索苦待我,在我面前脱去辔头。
[NIV] Now the cherubim were standing on the south side of the temple when the man went in, and a cloud filled the inner court. 那人进去的时候,基路伯站在殿的右边,云彩充满了内院。
[NIV] Now the earth was corrupt in God's sight and was full of violence. 11[和合]世界在神面前败坏,地上满了强暴。

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