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[Abstract] The article mainly discusses the application of servo system are combined images system in the accuracy fixed position and detailed introduces the system of component and work principle.

[Abstract art is] a product of the untalented, sold by the unprincipled to the utterly bewildered. 抽象艺术是无能的人的作品,然后被无良的人卖给无知的人。
[Abstract] According to the development of two rights separation and the characteristic of human capital,the author firstputs forward the theory of human capital on operators'financial situation,and sets forth its five characteristics,which arethe dynamic 根据两权分离的变异和人力资本的质态特征,笔者在本文中首次提出了人力资本经营者财务论,接着阐述了人力资本经营者财务的五大特点:保值增值基础的动态性、运作方式的特殊性、财务目标的变异性、财务对象和主体的差异性、收益分配方式的事前性,四大职能:组合人力资本、管理人力资本、激励与约束人力资本、营运人力资本,和五个方面的内容:确定人力资本结构、筹资、投资、激励与约束设计、收益分配,并分析了人力资本财务论的分层结构。
[Abstract] Hong Cun has been gloriously enrolled on the World Cultural Heritage List, and its artistic architecture of Hui Zou style is really outstanding. 宏村,作为世界文化遗产地,其徽派建筑艺术令人称绝。
[Abstract] Research shows mnemonics plays a primary role in knowledge acquisition, especially in language learning. 研究表明记忆方法在获得知识过程中起着重要作用,尤其在语言学习方面。
[Abstract] Since the 1990s, with the appearance of global manufactures,the global competition intensified day by day, simultaneously the users' demand presents the tendency of diversification frequent change, all these made the enterprise face with the un 自从20世纪90年代以来,由于全球制造的出现导致全球竞争日益加剧,同时用户需求呈现多样化、变化频繁的趋势,企业面临前所未有的激烈竞争。
[Abstract] The article mainly discusses the application of servo system are combined images system in the accuracy fixed position and detailed introduces the system of component and work principle. 本文主要讲述了伺服系统的定位模块与影像处理系统相结合在高精度、高速度运动定位系统中的应用,还详细的介绍了系统的组成和工作原理。
[Abstract] The effect of water quality by sulfide leakage are analyzed.it is pointed how to control the corrupted in the system of the circuling water ,aiming at the sequela by sulfide leakage,the principle of the medicament are put forward. 3在硫化物泄漏时,水稳剂抗污染性能显得有尤为重要,因此在对水稳剂生产厂家招投标时,可增加水稳剂在硫化物、氨泄漏时的动态模拟实验,从而促进水稳剂生产厂家的抗污染药剂的研究开发。
[Abstract] The legal right to terminate (avoid) contracts is a remedy for breach of contract provided by laws available by the non-breaching party when it suffers great losses due to the breach. 合同法定解除权是法律赋予非违约方在其自身利益遭受违约方行为严重损害时得以采取的一种违约救济措施。
[Abstract] This article uses ethnography and conversation analysis to pinpoint what “goes wrong” when certain so-called street people “harass” passersby. 本文使用民族志和交谈分析工具来探查一些所谓的由贫民窟居民引发的烦恼其问题出在哪里。
[Abstract] With the high-speed network technology development, the number of Internet users continues to increase. The Internet has already become our life an important component. 随着网络技术的高速发展,网民数量的不断增加,互联网已经成了我们生活中的一个重要组成部分。
[Abstract]: 19th century Germany renowned education reformer William * Hong Bao the leader Prussia educational institution has carried on the education reform, has formed the one whole set brand-new humanism philosophy of education. :十九世纪德国著名的教育改革家威廉*洪堡领导普鲁士教育机构进行了教育改革,形成了一整套全新的人文主义教育哲学。

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