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Provided ports to connect with any gas chromatograph with a standard interface. They includes: Ready In, Start In, Stop In, Ready Out and Run Out.

Provided always that the aggregate liability of the Company for any one accident shall not exceed the limit of indemnity stipulated in the schedule. 本公司对每一次保险事故的累计赔偿责任不超过保险单明细表所规定的赔偿限额。
Provided by JVC, with audio management and monitoring system controlled by microprocessor. Background Music or temporary noticing is it's daily function while urgent broadcasting is also available in emergency. 背景音乐设备是由日本JVC公司生产的当前国际上先进的广播系统。采用微处理机控制的音响管理及监控系统,平时作为背景音响或临时通知,一旦险情发生时可作紧急广播。
Provided full range of secretarial and administrative support including: prepared and edited reports and presentations, replied to routine correspondence, opened and routed mail, organized filed, provided phone coverage, did preparation of expense reports 提供所有秘书及行政范围内的支持,包括:准备及编辑报告及发表,答覆例行的信件,拆信及投送信,组织档案,接电话,准备支出报告。
Provided in bottle of 500 ml, 1 lt and cartridges of 200 ml. 500毫升,1升凭装或200毫升墨盒.
Provided it is in keeping with national policy and does not breach understandings regarding confidentiality of information having commercial value, advice may be offered on how production and control procedures can be usefully upgraded. 在保证符合国家法规和不触及商业机密的前提下,检查官可对如何改善生产和控制规程提出建议。
Provided ports to connect with any gas chromatograph with a standard interface. They includes: Ready In, Start In, Stop In, Ready Out and Run Out. 与各种气相色谱仪连接,提供各种气路样品传输接口,电路输入/输出接口采用标准的信号接口,外部准备,启动、停止,准备输出,运行输出等。
Provided such drafts are drawn and presented in accordance with the terms of this credit, we hereby engage with the drawers, endorsers and bona - fide holders that the said drafts shall be duly honored on presentation. 凡依本信用证条款开具并提示汇票,本银行保证对其出票人、背书人和正当持票人于交单时承兑付款。
Provided such drafts are drawn and presented in accordance withthe terms of this credit, we hereby engage with the drawers, endorsers and bona - fide holders that the said drafts shall be duly honoured on presentation. 凡依本信用证条款开具并提示汇票,本银行保证对其出票人、背书人和正当持票人于交单时承兑付款。
Provided that circumstances permit, we shall hold the meeting next week. 只要情况允许,我们下周将举行会议。
Provided that he suffers no ill-effects from tomorrow's run out, he will remain on course to play a part in the game against Chelsea on April 22. 假如在明天的对阵中没有任何受伤病影响的迹象,那么欧文在4月22日对阵切尔西的联赛中出场指日可待。
Provided that no objection is raised, we shall hold the meeting here. 即使没有反对意见,我们就在这里开会。

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