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“I thought it might hae been quite a healing thing for me to attend the funeral,” he said. “In retrospect, it would hae been worth a gamble to ask their permission to go.

“I think there comes a point where you have to grow up and get over yourself, lighten up...and forgive. 我想这件事使我明白了一个道理,我从那里得到成长,从震惊中使自己恢复过来,使自己再次容光焕发......和学会宽恕。
“I think they deserved to win on the pitch, but I cannot hide that I was sad to see some former teammates like Zlatan Ibrahimovic celebrate like that,” said Nedved on Tuesday. “我认为他们在某种程度上还配冠军,但是令我生气的是我竟然看到前队友‘伊布垃圾莫为奇’也在庆祝的行列中,”内德维德在星期二说。
“I think we overemphasize what technology can do,” Ms. Zegart said. “The most important fusion takes place inside people's brains. 齐加特说:「我认为我们过度强调了科技的能耐。最重要的融合发生在我们的大脑里。」
“I think...he [felt] a strong need to show that if he's not better than he was before, at least he's as good,” Bowman says. 鲍曼说:「我认为...他(感到)很有必要让大家知道就算他万一没有比之前进步,至少表现也是一样好。」
“I thought he was tremendous in the first game of the Amsterdam Tournament against Porto. “我觉得他的第一场比赛,就是阿姆斯特丹巡回赛对阵波尔图那一场,表现已经很不错了。
“I thought it might hae been quite a healing thing for me to attend the funeral,” he said. “In retrospect, it would hae been worth a gamble to ask their permission to go. 他说,“我想对于我,参加葬礼是一件有帮助的事情,在回忆中,征求允许参加葬礼是值得一搏的。”
“I thought the Cuban economy was suffering,” the businessman said. “Yet you threw that perfectly good cigar away. “我还以为古巴的经济是很吃力的,”美国商人说,“没想到你把这么好的雪茄都扔了。”
“I thought you are leaving me and go to England!” Atobe look at Oshitari tensely. “我以为你要离开我去英国。”迹部紧张地看着忍足。
“I took some English classes. 我还学过一些英语课程。”
“I tried to increase the pace, but it wasn't easy, because they were fitter whilst we're only halfway through summer training”. “我试着加快我的步伐,但是这并不简单,因为他们是已经磨合的很好而我们只是在夏季训练的半道。”
“I truly wanted to retire. 我真的想退役。

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