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South Korea's largest newspaper Chosun Ilbo reported that Cho's family was poor when they lived in a Seoul suburb and decided to emigrate to seek a better life.

South Korea's Samsung Electronics said Friday it has opened a giant plant at Austin in Texas, to supply US customers with the most advanced memory chips used for various mobile devices. 韩国三星电子公司周五表示他们将在德克萨斯州的奥斯丁开办大型工厂,以此为美国消费者提供最前沿的用于各种移动设备的存储芯片。
South Korea's Seoul ranked third, followed closely by Tokyo at No. 4. 韩国的首尔名列第三,东京紧跟其后,位居第四。
South Korea's Yonhap news agency quotes an unnamed source Tuesday as saying that none of the North Koreans in China had sent their children home by the original deadline, in a rare show of defiance against Pyongyang. 韩国联合通讯社星期二引述不具名消息来源的话说,驻中国的北韩官员中没有任何人在原定的最后期限之前将子女送回北韩国内,这可说是罕见的对平壤的抵制。
South Korea's finance minister, Han Duck-soo, told a conference in London on May 24th that investing the region's foreign-exchange reserves on Wall Street “may not be the most efficient way of using those resources”. 韩国财政部长,韩大松,在5月24号伦敦的发布会上说,亚洲的外汇储备投资在华尔街不是使用这笔资金的最有效手段。
South Korea's largest mobile phone operator said Thursday that it will offer cell phone users a new noise service that it says will repel mosquitoes. 韩国最大的移动电话运营商7月10日表示他们将向手机用户提供一项全新的干扰音服务,他们称,这项服务是用来驱蚊的。
South Korea's largest newspaper Chosun Ilbo reported that Cho's family was poor when they lived in a Seoul suburb and decided to emigrate to seek a better life. 据韩国最大的报纸《朝鲜日报》报道,赵家以前住在汉城郊区时生活贫困,为了寻及更好的生活最终决定移民。
South Korea's nuclear envoy says the chances of North Korea returning to disarmament talks are slim. 韩国核问题特使表示,北韩重返解除核武装会谈的希望渺茫。
South Korea's pioneering stem cell scientist has cloned a dog, smashing another biological barrier and reigniting a fierce ethical debate - while producing a perky, lovable pu y. 韩国倡导干细胞研究的科学家们成功克隆了一只狗,这只活泼可爱的小狗的克隆成功不仅突破了生物学上的又一座壁垒,也再次引发了一场有关伦理道德观念的激烈争论。
South Korea's pioneering stem cell scientist has cloned a dog, smashing another biological barrier and reigniting a fierce ethical debate - while producing a perky, lovable puppy. 韩国倡导干细胞研究的科学家们成功克隆了一只狗,这只活泼可爱的小狗的克隆成功不仅突破了生物学上的又一座壁垒,也再次引发了一场有关伦理道德观念的激烈争论。
South Korea's pioneering stem cell scientists have cloned a dog, smashing another biological barrier and reigniting a fierce ethical debate — while producing a perky, lovable puppy. 韩国倡导干细胞研究的科学家们成功克隆了一只狗。这只活泼可爱的小狗的克隆成功不仅突破了生物学上的又一座壁垒,也再次引发了一场有关伦理道德观念的激烈争论。
South Korea's president, Roh Moo-hyun, is due to visit Beijing on October 13th. 韩国总统卢武铉定于10月13日访问北京。

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