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Certain of those substances help to induce cells in the pancreas to secrete insulin after an organism eats.

Certain names in the book were underlined throughout. 书中在某些名字下面都划了线.
Certain naturally occurring conditions may corrode the valve or its components over time, rendering the valve inoperative. 天长日久,某些自然发生的环境可能会腐蚀阀门或其部件,导致阀门无法正常工作。
Certain of his friends are very helpful. 他的几个朋友帮了很大的忙。
Certain of them were honest enough to tell the truth. 他们中的某些人很诚实地说出真相。
Certain of those present had had too much to drink. 有些出席的人喝得太多了.
Certain of those substances help to induce cells in the pancreas to secrete insulin after an organism eats. 代谢产物中的某些物质,会在身体进食之后,帮助胰脏细胞分泌胰岛素。
Certain organizational factors ease the shift to a global brand. 一些组成因素简化了国际品牌的转变。
Certain organs are at particular risk, including the spleen, kidneys, liver, bone, and even the central nervous system. 一些特定的器官特别危险,包括脾脏、肾脏、肝脏、骨骼,甚至中枢神经系统。
Certain other aspects and operations of the abstract machine are described in this International Standard as unspecified (for example, order of evaluation of arguments to a function). 本标准将虚拟机器的其他一些方面和操作描述为未指明的(如函数参数的求值顺序)。
Certain patients with multifocal motor neuropathy with or without apparent conduction block respond to IV immunoglobulin (IVIg) therapy, according to French researchers. 根据法国研究者的结果,某些多灶性运动神经病患者,无论有无外在传导阻滞症状,都可以对免疫球蛋白IV作出反应。
Certain plants grow in this area. 有些植物生长在这个区域。

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