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The small verrucous vegetations seen along the closure line of this mitral valve are associated with acute rheumatic fever.

The small thin man got his wages every week. 这个瘦小的男人每星期得到他的薪水。
The small town has little entertainment beyond its museums. 这个小镇除了博物馆之外,没有什么休闲娱乐。
The small town remained unchanged. 这个小镇子仍然没什么变化。
The small triangular flap at the bottom will be incorporated into the vaginal introitus to avoid a circular scar in this location. 底部那一小块三角形的盖皮未来将会并入阴部的开口,以避免在这个部位形成圆形的疤痕。
The small user interface hides a large and powerful product. Ideal for newbies and pro's alike! 小小的介面中内含著强大的功能,无论新手老手都很适合。
The small verrucous vegetations seen along the closure line of this mitral valve are associated with acute rheumatic fever. 沿着二尖瓣的闭锁缘可见一些小的疣状赘生物,它们与急性风湿热相关。
The small village perched on a hill. 这个小村庄位于山上。
The small weak child became the scorn of the class. 这个瘦小软弱的孩子成为全班嘲笑的对象。
The small window threw a patch of sunlight onto the floor, but the rest of the room was in shadow. 一小片阳光穿过小窗照在地板上,但房间的其馀部分是处于阴影之中的。
The small, sour, greenish or yellowish cucumber-shaped fruit of this tree, eaten as a pickle or used in relishes and various dishes. 三捻树果该树结的酸味的、浅绿或浅黄色黄瓜状小果实,作为腌菜而食或用在许多菜中
The small-scale oscillatory zoning is formed through self-organization with no relevance to the environmental factor. 斜长石中小尺度韵律环带起因于自组织过程,而与环境因素无关。

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