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Analysts say concerted action like the Plaza Accords of 1985, under which the United States, West Germany, Japan, France and Britain agreed to joint action to tamp down a too-strong dollar, is unlikely.

Analysts said the market needed to broaden its customer base and diversify its products to achieve balanced growth. 分析师表示,该市场需要拓宽客户基础,并使其产品多样化,以取得平衡增长。
Analysts said this was almost certainly the first time that turnover at the Chinese bourse has exceeded that of the rest of Asia. 分析师表示,中国股市的交易额超过亚洲其它股市之和,这几乎可以肯定是历史上的头一回。
Analysts saw the move as highlighting Saudi Arabia's increasing assertiveness within the cartel, which comes as Riyadh is also stepping up its political activity in the Middle East, even at the risk of angering the US, its major western ally. 分析师认为,欧佩克此举突显出沙特阿拉伯在该组织内部日益增强的自信心,与此同时,沙特政府正加强其在中东的政治活动,尽管这有可能惹恼其西方主要盟国:美国。
Analysts say Motorola\'s main problem is Nokia. 分析家认为,摩托罗拉最主要的问题在与诺基亚。
Analysts say Washington is unlikely to agree to sharing technology and giving China a bigger role in manned space projects until Beijing signs up to an international treaty that controls trade in long-range missiles. 分析家说,除非北京签署条约,保证控制远程导弹交易,否则华盛顿不会同意共享技术及在载人航天方面有进一步的合作。
Analysts say concerted action like the Plaza Accords of 1985, under which the United States, West Germany, Japan, France and Britain agreed to joint action to tamp down a too-strong dollar, is unlikely. 分析家认为像1985年美国,西德,日本,法国和英国一起采取行动将强势美元打压下去的行动不大可能。
Analysts say many South Korean shares are under-valued due to geopolitical risk involving North Korea's nuclear programme, unstable politics and poor corporate governance. 分析师说,由于与朝鲜核项目有关的地缘政治风险、不稳定的政治及糟糕的公司治理,许多韩国股票的价值被低估。
Analysts say that a three-way alliance between Asia's steel giants – Nippon Steel, Baosteel and Posco – would cement their dominance in the Chinese market. 分析师表示,亚洲三大钢铁巨头——新日铁、宝钢和浦项制铁——之间的三方合作,将巩固它们在中国市场上的主导地位。
Analysts say that in fact, politicians in both countries have already tactical evaluations. 分析人士说,实际上,两国政治家都已经做出过沙盘推演。
Analysts suggested the result was in line with the government's aim of taking state control of strategic industries such as oil and gas, but allowing foreign investors to take minority stakes. 分析师表示,这一结果与政府使石油天然气等战略性产业为国家所控制的目标相一致,但允许外国投资者获得少数股权。
Analysts warn that foreign entrants could end up nursing high debts if they sign up the wrong type of borrower in the rush to build a customer base. 分析师警告,如果因急于建立客户基础而与错误类型的借贷者签下合约,外国银行最终可能面临巨额欠债。

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