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According to the expectation of 《Chinese auto research monthly report》August ,2005, the joint venture company of four Japanese and one Korean factories in Guangzhou will gain a production capacities of 1211 thousand cars a year in 2011, at the same time G

According to the example, this is an efficient approach over FTA, but also it can handle diagnosis reasoning and exculpation reasoning and that FTA cannot. 实例表明,该方法不但比故障树分析(FTA)更有效,而且能进行故障树分析不能进行的诊断推理和辩解推理。
According to the existent problems of experimental teaching, this article pointed out the limitation of traditional mode of experimental teaching, and put forward the reform ideas for the experimental teaching system of engineering electric power plant he 摘要从分析实验教学中存在的问题入手,指出了传统实验教学模式的局限性,并提出了对电厂热能动力工程专业实验教学体系进行改革的思路及探索。
According to the existing equipment status on Jiafeng station of Houma-Yueshan line and its connected Sihe loading point, as well as the added loading capacity required for the sihe loading point, the essay puts forward the reconstruction plan of Sihe loa 摘要依据侯月线嘉峰站及与其接轨的寺河装车点心的既有设备概况和寺河装车点需要增加的装车能力,提出了寺河装车点与嘉峰站的改造方案,并对改造前后的效益作了定性、定量的分析。
According to the existing regulatory policies and its 10 years of reformation,this paper analyzes the importance of reformation on the market turns of rate of premium and puts forward some policy recommendations. 针对现行保险费率监督管理政策及近10年来的保险费率机制改革进程,分析了全面推进保险费率市场化改革的重要性;并提出了推进改革的政策建议。
According to the existing test data joints, the paper compares several formulas in our country of calculating the shear-carrying capacity on this kind of joints. 根据已有的节点试验资料,对国内关于此种节点抗剪承载力计算公式进行分析比较。
According to the expectation of 《Chinese auto research monthly report》August ,2005, the joint venture company of four Japanese and one Korean factories in Guangzhou will gain a production capacities of 1211 thousand cars a year in 2011, at the same time G 据日本《中国自动车调查月报》2005年8月号估计,四家日本及一家韩国车厂在广州参与的合资公司,在2011年会形成121.1万台的生产能力,而同期德国大众及美国通用在上海的合资车厂,生产能力只是110万台,故日本业界锁定广东将会成为中国最大的汽车集散地。
According to the experience of Land power system research and the individual character of warship power system, the content and the direction of the research of Warship power system reliability are discussed. 根据陆地电力系统可靠性研究的经验和内容,在分析舰船电力系统的区别和特殊需求后,探讨了舰船电力系统可靠性的研究内容以及研究思路和步骤。
According to the experience of electromechanical equipment management of Dayuandu Navigation-Power Junction on Xiangjiang River of Hunan Province, this paper probes into the significance and methods of whole-process management of hydropower &navigation an 摘要基于湖南省湘江大源渡航电枢纽机电设备管理的经验,探讨水电、航电枢纽工程设备从设计、制造、安装到运行、维护实施全过程管理的意义及方法。
According to the experience of overseas markets, fund investors to split psychological role of a very strong hint that the spin-off led to a net reduction, investors are often considered to be a better time to buy. 根据海外市场经验,基金拆分给投资者心理暗示作用相当强,拆分导致净值下降,往往被投资者认为是一个较好的购买时机。
According to the experience of the removal program of Xiaopengxianguan, This paper talks about the problems in this sort of project, such as the procedure of survey and design, the rehabilitation of the surrounding and the building. 摘要依据广州小蓬仙馆迁建中的经验和教训,介绍文物建筑迁移工程中,应注意有关勘察设计程序、新址环境复原和建筑复原的问题。
According to the experiences in the production cultivation work, in view of the malpractice of old-style lamp, theoretically analyzed its scientific content, improved and innovated existing methods of controlling flowering season by lamp, devoted to enhan 摘要在生产栽培工作中,针时旧式的灯照控花方式存在的弊端,从理论上分析其科学的含量,着意从多方面去改善和革新现有的灯照控花方法,致力于提高菊花的花期拉制技术。

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