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Article 32 The contractual JV shall appoint the general manager, to be in charge of the daily operation and management of the venture and accountable to the board of directors or joint management committee.

Article 32 The State shall give support, in such aspects as financial expenses and experimental means, to research and development institutions and institutions of higher learning engaged in basic research and applied basic research, high-tech research, p 第三十二条国家对从事基础研究和应用基础研究、高技术研究、重大工程建设项目研究、重大科学技术攻关项目研究、重点社会公益性科学技术研究的研究开发机构和高等院校,在经费、实验手段等方面给予支持。
Article 32 The administrative departments of import quotas shall, on the basis of the provisions of the present Regulation, formulate specific measures of administration so as to clarify the qualifications of the applicant, the departments for accepting a 第三十二条进口配额管理部门应当根据本条例的规定制定有关关税配额的具体管理办法,对申请人的资格、受理申请的部门、审查的原则和程序等事项作出明确规定并在实施前予以公布。
Article 32 The arbitration tribunal will hold oral hearings. 第三十二条仲裁庭应当开庭审理案件。
Article 32 The awards include: Citation for Meritorious Deeds, Merit Citation Class III, Merit Citation Class II, Merit Citation Class I, and a title of honour. 第三十二条奖励分为:嘉奖,记三等功、二等功、一等功,授予荣誉称号。
Article 32 The construction supervising units shall, on behalf of project owners, carry out supervision of the construction quality, construction period and the use of construction funds in accordance with laws, administrative regulations and relevant tec 第三十二条建筑工程监理应当依照法律、行政法规及有关的技术标准、设计文件和建筑工程承包合同,对承包单位在施工质量、建设工期和建设资金使用等方面,代表建设单位实施监督。
Article 32 The contractual JV shall appoint the general manager, to be in charge of the daily operation and management of the venture and accountable to the board of directors or joint management committee. 第三十二条合作企业设总经理1人,负责合作企业的日常经营管理工作,对董事会或者联合管理委员会负责。
Article 32 The defendant shall have the burden of proof for the specific administrative act he has undertaken and shall provide the evidence and regulatory documents in accordance with which the act has been undertaken. 第三十二条被告对作出的具体行政行为负有举证责任,应当提供作出该具体行政行为的证据和所依据的规范性文件。
Article 32 The employing units shall organize their workers engaging in the operations in which toxic substances are used to receive occupational health examinations at regular intervals. 第三十二条用人单位应当对从事使用有毒物品作业的劳动者进行定期职业健康检查。
Article 32 The invoices which do not conform to the stipulations mentioned in Article 22 of the Methods refer to invoices drawn up or gained whose manufacture should but has not gone through the supervision of tax authorities, or the items filled in are i 第三十二条《办法》第二十二条所称不符合规定的发票是指开具或取得的发票是应经而未经税务机关监制,或填写项目不齐全、内容不真实,字迹不清楚,没有加盖财务印章或发票专用章,伪造、作废以及其他不符合税务机关规定的发票。
Article 32 The local people's governments at and above the county level may demand units which occupy cultivated land to use the topsoil of the land occupied for use in the newly reclaimed land, poor land or other cultivated land for soil amelioration. 第三十二条县级以上地方人民政府可以要求占用耕地的单位将所占用耕地耕作层的土壤用于新开垦耕地、劣质地或者其他耕地的土壤改良。
Article 32 The profits or losses of the partnership shall be distributed to or borne by the partners in accordance with the ratio specified in the partnership agreement; where the partnership agreement fails to specify the ratio of profit distribution or 第三十二条合伙企业的利润和亏损,由合伙人依照合伙协议约定的比例分配和分担;合伙协议未约定利润分配和亏损分担比例的,由各合伙人平均分配和分担。

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