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Cerebral vasospasm is a common and devastating medical complication of subarachnoid hemorrhage,which has high morbidity and mortality.However; the mechanisms of cerebral vasospasm after subarachnoid hemorrhage still remain unknown,which is mainly related

Cereal products are good for our health. 谷物产品对我们的身体有益。
Cereals : refer to seeds of various kinds of crops which are used mainly for grain. Cereals include paddy, wheat,maize, millet, Chinese sorghum, etc., except beans and tubers. 谷物:指籽实主要供作粮食的作物。这类作物包括稻谷、小麦、玉米、谷子、高粱和其他谷物,不包括豆类和薯类作物。
Cerebral Bastion I - This concentration will give the Psionicist a high resistance to mind altering effects such as fear, mezz, sleep, charm and confusion. 头脑堡垒I–使精神抗性增加,对恐惧,魅惑,催眠和混乱等有更高的抵抗。
Cerebral microdialysis: research technique or clinical tool. 大脑微渗析:一项研究技术或临床应用工具。
Cerebral palsy is a terrible disabler. 脑性麻痹是使人残废的可怕病因。
Cerebral vasospasm is a common and devastating medical complication of subarachnoid hemorrhage,which has high morbidity and mortality.However; the mechanisms of cerebral vasospasm after subarachnoid hemorrhage still remain unknown,which is mainly related 脑血管痉挛是蛛网膜下腔出血常见而又严重的并发症,有很高的致残率和致死率,但是脑血管痉挛的发生机制目前仍不清楚,其内容主要涉及血管舒缩因子、溶血产物、血管壁结构、炎性反应、基因异常表达5个方面,本文从这五个方面分别介绍了其研究进展。
Cerebral venous thrombosis (CVT) is not uncommon, but CVT associated with bilateral internal jugular vein stenosis (BIJVS) is rare. 摘要大脑静脉栓塞在目前并不少见,然而,大脑静脉栓塞合并两侧内颈静脉狭窄却是很罕见的。
Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) is not only a special internal environment of the central nervous system, but also a part of the whole-body fluid system. 摘要脑脊液是中枢神经系统的一种特殊内环境,又是全身体液系统的一部分。
Ceremonies also were held at King's Cross undergrand train station, where the first of three bombs detonated in the London Underground, and at Tavistock Square, where a fourth suicide bomber destroyed a double-decker bus. 国王十字地铁站在去年伦敦地铁三起爆炸中首先受到爆炸攻击,塔维斯托克广场是第四名自杀炸弹袭击者炸毁一辆双层巴士的地方。
Ceremonies are extravagant and colourful, full of song and dance and emotion. 仪式奢华而丰富多彩,充满了歌舞和激情。
Ceremony is one kind of important social cultural phenomena, also is a key research field for the Cultural Anthropology. 摘要仪式是一种重要的社会文化现象,也是文化人类学的重点研究领域。

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