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The particle size is also an important parameter influenced by an adequation of the surfactant system and the emulsification process.

The particle and drug adsorption test showed that the filter met the national criteria. 应用于临床(2年)输液配药25万例次,肌内注射配药1万例次。
The particle can also fail to mirror its antiparticle (CPT violations). 粒子也可能不再是反粒子的镜像(CPT违逆)。
The particle emission of fuel vehicles were introduced under different operation conditions, and hazard of synergistic action of different diameter particles and other air pollutant on human body health are elaborated. 摘要本文介绍了燃油机动车在不同运行状况下排放颗粒物的情况;以及不同粒径颗粒物与其它环境空气中污染物协同作用对人体健康的危害。
The particle may have spin, an intrinsic quantity of angular momentum, in which case the relativity-violating behavior can depend on the size and orientation of the spin. 粒子的内在角动量称为自旋,相对论违逆的作用可能由自旋的大小与方向决定。
The particle size distribution can be adjusted to be coincident with the requirement of coatings and other product such as pigment, calcium carbonate, medicine and food. 粉末粒度可按需要任意调节,是频繁更换花色品种的理想设备。
The particle size is also an important parameter influenced by an adequation of the surfactant system and the emulsification process. 粒子的形状同样是一个重要的参数并且受到表面活性剂系统拉直和乳化作用过程的影响。
The particle size of product made by the chemistry process is very tine and the particle size distribution is uniform. 超细氢氧化铝制备方法分为机械法和化学法,但化学法制备的产品粒度细、分布均匀。
The particle would approach the satellite, accelerate, zip around, emerge on the other side and decelerate (assuming it did not collide). 粒子会靠近卫星,加速,闪过,从另一端出去,然后减速(假如它们并未直接对撞)。
The particles display unusual dynamics because, being so small, they are significantly affected by electromagnetic and radiation forces in addition to gravity. 由于这些粒子很小,所展现的动态行为颇为特殊,除了受重力影响之外,电磁作用的影响也很大。
The particles in an atom are infinitely small. 原子里的粒子极小.
The particles themselves are too small to see. 微粒本身太小了根本无法直接看到。

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