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This study reports our first year's experience of endoscopic sphincterotomy for common bile duct stones.

This study provided an example that water pumping affects groundwater level observation, which may be significant to distinguish groundwater anomalies from water pumping interference. 深入分析该井水位变化的成因,为研究邻井抽水对地震地下水动态观测井水位动态的影响提供了一个实例,对于识别地下水前兆异常与抽水干扰有一定的参考意义。
This study provided the information between the individual and the marital life of the endometriosis patients in social construction. 研究结果显示社会建构下,罹患子宫内膜异位症妇女其婚姻生活变化之间的关系与意涵。
This study provides a physics-based model for predicting the climate change impact on stream temperature and in turn on Formosan Landlocked Salmon (Oncorhynchus mason formosanus) habitat. 摘要本研究利用一物理性的水温模式进行国宝鱼樱花鈎吻鲑栖地水温的仿真,评估气候变迁对于其生存栖地在时间与空间考量下,所可能生成的影响。
This study provides additional evidence that breast cancer may originate during the early phases of a woman's life and that eating habits during that phase may be particularly important to reduce future risk of breast cancer. 这项研究提供了额外的证据,证明乳癌的根源可能来自妇女的孩童时代,那时的饮食习惯可能对减少后来患乳癌的机率特别重要。
This study reports 2 cases of inguinoscrotal bladder herniation. 我们报告二例腹股沟阴囊膀胱疝气。
This study reports our first year's experience of endoscopic sphincterotomy for common bile duct stones. 本文报告作者在第一年经内窥镜切开括约肌治疗胆总管结石的经验。
This study reveals that the bearing capacity of rigid pile composite foundation also can be increased by post grouting technique. 因此,钻孔灌注桩的后注浆技术同样可以提高刚性桩复合地基的承载力。
This study reveals that to develop a production-marketing team requires a collective sense. 由本研究可以探知产销班发展必须凝聚共识,共同订定努力之目标。
This study reviews the researches abroad on Rorschach aggression variables. 摘要文章对国外有关罗夏测验攻击变量的研究进行了综述。
This study sampled 201 high school athletes (males=115; females=86) with mean age of 16.02(SD=±1.73) and administered a paternalistic leadership scale, an emotional impression scale and an athlete burnout inventory. 以高中甲组运动员为受试对象共201位,平均年龄16.02岁,标准差1.73岁,使用的测量工具包括「家长式领导量表」、「情绪测量」、「运动员竞技倦怠量表」。
This study seeks to analyze the ethnic and cultural identity fostered in the role of the media, and furthermore, to discover the reasons as to why people tune in to Hakka TV out of more than 70 television channels. 摘要本研究尝试找寻代表族群标记中重要的族群意识在媒体使用中所扮演的角色,并进一步探索是什麽因素会让观众在现有已目不暇给的七十几个频道中,选择收视刚开播的客家电视。

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