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But I imagined th at people who knew of such things would walk to their mailboxes through the morning dew in their bare feet.

But I heard it's pretty strict. 但我听说相当严格。
But I heard you would accept different kinds of payment. 可是我听说你们那接收不同种类的付款方式。
But I helped design the user interface and helped automate a lot of our common queries. 但我帮忙设计了使用者介面及许多一般查询功能的自动化。
But I hope he will be satisfied. “事情比我预想得要复杂一些,但我希望他会满意的。
But I imagine he has probably long since gone to his reward. 我想他的好心很可能早已得到了好报。
But I imagined th at people who knew of such things would walk to their mailboxes through the morning dew in their bare feet. 但是我想,懂得这类东西的人一定会赤足踏着晨露走向他们的信箱。
But I insist on do myself protagonist. 但我却坚持要做自己的主角。
But I insisted that was not an option. 但是我坚持认为那不是可行之径。
But I just sold it and retired. 我前不久把它卖了,接着退休了。
But I kept my eye on the ball , swung as hard as I could and hit a home run. 可是,我集中精力,使出所有的劲儿来打球,结果打了一个本垒打。
But I kept rhymin &stepwritin the next cypher. 但我继续呤唱,下次仍然决心站在舞台中央。

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