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A young man was visiting his brother and sister-in-law for Christmas dinner and was surprised to find his young nephew, Timmy, helping them bake some cupcakes.

A young man is sticking around waiting for the daughter of our neighbor. 一个年轻人正在附近逗留, 等待我们邻居的女儿。
A young man of great physical beauty. 健美男子体形极美的年轻男子
A young man or woman must be nominated to the academy, usually by a federal or state lawmaker. 年轻男性或女性必须要有人向学校提名,通常是由联邦或州立法者来提名。
A young man practised speaking English with Mr. Green. 一位年经人与格林先生练习讲英语。
A young man saw an elderly couple sitting down to lunch at McDonald's. 一个年轻人在麦当劳里看见一对年迈的夫妇在吃午餐。
A young man was visiting his brother and sister-in-law for Christmas dinner and was surprised to find his young nephew, Timmy, helping them bake some cupcakes. 圣诞节来了,一位年轻人去拜访他的兄弟一家。晚餐时,他惊喜地发现他的侄子迪米正帮助父母烤杯形蛋糕。
A young man whose heart was hurt and sorrowful read it once, then Holy spirit through Bible, let him understand that he needed God's salvation. 人们需要圣经中带来安慰、希望、洁净和喜乐的话语,并从中发现基督拯救的佳音。
A young man, such as you describe Mr. 可是这种情形往往是难免!
A young married couple moved in next door to us. 一对新婚夫妇搬进了我们隔壁。
A young mother in South Africa sell three of her children last week. 在南非一个母亲上周打算卖了自己的3个孩子。
A young mother who suffered from malnutrition told the visitors she was selling blood to pay for her children's primary schooling. 一位营养不良的年轻妈妈告诉官员们说她一直靠买血来交孩子们的小学学费。

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