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The paper analyzed and discussed two-dimensional heat sink in theory.

The paper analyses the musical creation and influences of such famous musicians as Schutz, Bach, Mozart, Beethoven, Schubert, Brahms, Verdi, and Schonberg in the West, points out that though their temperaments and environments were different, they all pos 摘要西方音乐史上舒茨、巴赫、莫扎特、贝多芬、舒伯特、勃拉姆斯、威尔第、勋伯格等人,虽然所处时代不同、境遇不同、性格各异,但都是天才人物,都具有超越自我、超越时代的创作冲动;正是这种冲动导致的创作实践与他们所处时代的矛盾冲突,使这些音乐家成为悲剧性人物。
The paper analyses the reasons of the distortion and puts forward ways to improve its management in order to stress the importance of original voucher and prevent the recurrence of untrue original voucher. 本文通过对失真原始凭证产生原因的分析,提出了一些改进的意见,其目的是使人们认识到原始凭证在经济管理中的重要作用,杜绝不真实的原始凭证的再出现。
The paper analyses the relationships between the foreign reserves of China and the price index based on the cointegration method and vector error correction model of a variable vector auto-regressive (VAR) model. 摘要本文运用多变量向量自回归模型(VAR)的协整分析方法与向量误差修正模型对我国外汇储备与物价指数之间的关系进行了实证检验。
The paper analyses the subjects of all the national electronic design competition, results in the characteristic of the subjects of the electronic design competition, and offers gist for theory and practice teaching reform of electronic and information co 摘要通过对历届电子设计竞赛的试题进行分析,得出电子设计竞赛试题的特点,从而为电子信息学科类课程理论和实践教学改革提供依据。
The paper analyses the survey data about stratified random sample of 70 villages in Shandong Province by qualitatively and quantitatively. 摘要20世纪90年代以来,中国农业生产结构发生了巨大的变化,但人们对农户种植结构调整的主要影响因素有显著的不同看法。
The paper analyzed and discussed two-dimensional heat sink in theory. 本文对二维的热沉问题进行了理论分析和讨论。
The paper analyzed some problems concerning primary school education in Tangshan on the basis of extensive reading of references and interview, and advanced essential conditions and constructive suggestions for sustainable development in rural primary sch 摘要通过广泛的查阅资料和访谈工作,综合分析了唐山市农村小学教育存在的问题,提出了农村小学教育可持续发展必须具备的条件和发展性建议。
The paper analyzed synthetically the environmental impact that is produced in construction time of under-ground No. one of Shenyang, studied the generant rule and quantity of pollutants such as noise, vibration, waste water, waste gas and solid offal and 摘要通过对沈阳地铁一号钱施工期产生的环境影响综合分析,研究该项目在建设中产生的噪声、振动、废水、废气及固体废弃物等污染物产生的规律和发生量,并提出缓解和控制环境影响的措施。
The paper analyzed the characteristics and discrepancies of the influence of peer intercommunion on the ethnic culture cognition of southwestern minority children, and future discussed the influence of such characteristics and discrepancy and the inspirat 文章分析了同伴交往对西南少数民族儿童的民族文化认知产生影响的特征及其差异性,并在此基础上进一步论述了这些特征和差异性的影响因素及其民族文化教育的启示。
The paper analyzed the characteristics of train plans on the passenger traffic special line and gave a method to make and optimize train plans by recombining passenger flows. 摘要通过分析客运专线列车开行方案的特性及其确定过程,提出了通过车流合并来确定和优化列车开行方案的方法。
The paper analyzed the conditions, reasons and importance of this mew view of the War of Resistance Against Japan. 这种新抗战史观的形成有其特定的条件、原因与意义,值得关注。

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