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Based on the cellular automaton rule 8,a traffic flow model for gallop bridge is presented.

Based on the analysis of basic meaning of experimental architecture and its opposed dominant practice and academic ideology, this paper regards the brief history of contemporary experimental architecture in China after 90's as a mosaic. 本文从建筑“实验性”的基本内涵和当代中国实验性建筑针对的主流实践和学术意识形态入手,把上世纪90年代以来的中国实验性建筑的发展理解为一幅拼图,而没有建构关于中国实验性建筑发展的整体历史。
Based on the analysis of the form and characteristic plinth and timber frame columns in historical buildings,the sliding friction shock isolation systematic model is established and the column footing slippage criterion is given. 通过对木构古建筑柱础和柱架形式及特性的分析,建立了柱与柱础的摩擦滑移隔震体系模型,给出了柱脚滑移判定条件;
Based on the analysis of the theoretical differences in money demand between Keynesianism and monetarism, this paper tackles the issue whether money demand in China is related to its interest rates. 从分析凯恩斯主义和货币主义的货币需求理论的分歧出发,研究中国的货币需求是否与利率相关的问题.
Based on the analysis ofgroundwater supply and demand after South to North diversion scheme in 00a,predication of ceasing exploitation of groundwater 9.8×08m /a and .8×08m /a is made through the developed numeric simulation model. 在对 00 年南水北调启动后地下水资源供需分析的基础上,运用模型对停采地下水 9.8×08m /a和 .8×08m /a 两种方案进行预测。
Based on the assumption of E. Winker that P=K. 本文应用文克尔假定P=k.
Based on the cellular automaton rule 8,a traffic flow model for gallop bridge is presented. 基于元胞自动机的8号规则,建立了立交桥交通流模型.
Based on the characteristics of the underground powerhouse in Pengshui water station,cover is needed on both sides in the strata in which the ledge beam exists and middle trapeze section needs blast excavation. 根据彭水水电站地下厂房的特点,对岩壁梁所在的岩层采用两侧预留保护层,中部梯段爆破开挖.
Based on the comparative study of the right to terminate a contract of the insurer, this paper draws a blueprint of the basic law-making thoughts about the abolition of the right to rescind a contract by the insurer. 在采用比较研究方法对保险人行使合同解除权进行研究分析的基础上,本文对保险人合同解除权制度提出了基本的立法构想:适当缩小保险人行使合同解除权的范围; 对保险人行使合同解除权的条件进行详细具体的规定;
Based on the conventional paraffin sectioning method, observation was done at the optical level on the dynamics of starch during the ovular development in barley. 运用常规石蜡制片法,在光学水平观察了淀粉在大麦胚珠发育中的消长动态。
Based on the conventional paraffin sectioning method, the dynamics of polysaccharides during the ovular development in Tugarinovia mongolica was observed at the optical level . 运用常规石蜡制片法 ,在光学显微镜下观察了多糖在革苞菊胚珠发育过程中的消长动态 .
Based on the description of OAIS model, this article gives an analysis of the preservation metadata schemes both at home and abroad, including NEDLIB, PANDORA, NLNZ, PREMIS, CEDARS and MDLS, and summarizes their revelations to us. 本文在介绍OAIS模型的基础上,对国内外保存元数据的研究方案进行了梳理,介绍了NEDLIB、PANDORA、NLNZ、PREMIS、CEDARS、MDLS等保存元数据实施概况,并总结分析了它们带给我们的启示。

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