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Several major oil companies have expressed interest in the system.

Several loud explosions echoed across the city as 26-year-old Lamia Allawi prepared to enter a primary school turned into a polling center. But Ms. Allawi remained undeterred from voting. 正当26岁的拉米娅·阿拉维进入设在一间小学里的投票站时,几个爆炸巨响在这个城市里回荡。但是阿拉维小姐仍然坚持投票。
Several maidens were invited to attend her wedding. 好几个少女被邀请去参加她的婚礼。
Several mainstream laser beam combination methods, including stimulated Brillouin scattering, diffraction optics units and all fiber beam combination, are introduced. 摘要介绍了当前光纤组束研究中的几种主流方法,即利用受激布里渊散射的光纤组束;利用衍射光学元件的光纤组束;全光纤组束等。
Several major Hong Kong companies posted firm results for the first half yesterday, confirming that the recovery in the economy continues largely undeterred by tightening measures on the mainland and surging oil prices. 香港数家主要企业均在昨天公布上半年业绩,业绩理想,反映香港经济增长未受内地宏观调控及油价上升影响。
Several major companies use our service. 我们的服务受到了客户们的好评。
Several major oil companies have expressed interest in the system. 一些主要石油公司对这个系统表达了极大的兴趣。
Several means are available for protection of polyvinyl chloride (PVC) tube from fire, but they are not perfect in prevention of tires caused by laser beam. 虽然有很多防护措施可以用来保护气管内管,但总是无法提供非常完全的保护。
Several means, which are copolymerization, grafting and blend, and progress of organic silicone modified polymer were introduced. 摘要从共聚改性、接枝改性和共混改性等几个方面简要介绍了有机硅改性聚合物的研究状况和发展历程。
Several members of the Student Union in our school had an exchange party with the delegation of students from Japan in Min Zu Hotel, Beijing. 学生会部分同学与来访的日本高中生访华团在民族饭店进行了友好交流。
Several members of the orchestra are tuning up their instruments. 乐队中有几个成员正在调他们的乐器。
Several men were called for testimony . 好几个人被传来作证。

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