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You should look before you leap before you decide to buy the goods in batches.

You should lie down and rest. 你应该躺下休息。
You should lighten up. 你应该放松点。
You should login your forex trading account to get official price quotation for the dealing in forex /bullion transaction. 如阁下欲取得正式报价以作外汇合约买卖,请先登入阁下的外汇交易网上账户。
You should look at code . 你应该看看代码。
You should look at it yourself. 你应该亲自看看它。
You should look before you leap before you decide to buy the goods in batches. 在你决定成批购买这些货物之前,你应该三思而行。
You should look before you leap before you make a decision to purchase them in batchees. 在你决定成批购买这些货物之前,你应该三思而行。
You should look into making some physical changes, such as new hair color or toning up your body. 或许该考虑一下外在的改变,比如改变一下头发颜色或者增强一下身体健康等等。
You should look up the right pronunciation of this word in the dictionary. 你应该查字典找出这个单词的正确读音。
You should loosen up (your muscles) before playing any sport. 运动之前应先放松(肌肉).
You should loosen up your muscles before and after doing physical exercises. 运动前后, 应该放松一下肌肉.

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