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Based on the trend research, the impacts of the reduction in diverted water volume of the Yellow River and the decrease in water table on the vegetation in the Yinchuan Plain was analyzed, and the proper groundwater level for vegetation development was al

Based on the torque-speed characteristic curve of induction motors, analyses were done on changes in slip with an variation in frequency when an induction motor drives different kinds of loads, including those with constant torque, constant-maximum torque 摘要以异步电动机机械特性曲线为基础,分析了变频调速异步电动机在拖动恒转矩负载、恒最大转矩负载、变转矩(非风机和泵类)负载、恒功率负载以及风机和泵类负载时,转差率随频率变化的规律。
Based on the traditional transportation problem with the balance of production and sales, this paper puts forward a direct method to solve the transportation problem whose objective is to maximize the problem-the modified tabular method, so as to diminish 从传统的产销平衡的运输问题出发,提出了目标函数为极大化型的运输问题的直接解法-修改的表上作业法,可直接求解此类问题,减少运算量,降低应用难度,并在求解过程中明确了求解方法所对应的实际问题的经济意义。
Based on the traits and existent problem of water cycle in western China, the key scientific issues of water cycle in western China has been addressed in this paper. 从中国西部流域水循环的特点及存在的问题出发,探讨了中国西部流域水循环研究基础科学问题。
Based on the transfer-matrix method, the general expressions of equivalent four-terminal network parameters of varying section torsional horn are derived, the relations between frequency equation and both the rotational velocity amplification and that of 摘要基于传递矩阵算法,推导出了变截面杆扭转振动时等效四端网络参量的一般表达式,研究了带类余弦过渡段阶梯形变幅杆扭转振动频率方程与角速度放大倍数及外表面切向速度放大倍数等的关系。
Based on the transmission boundary condition, the calculation method of the numerical value of the dynamic model e quation, the discrete form of the pipeline, the storage method of the parameters and the difference equation are given out. 根据输送边界条件,给出了动态模型方程的数值计算方法、管道离散格式、参数存储方法和差分方程。
Based on the trend research, the impacts of the reduction in diverted water volume of the Yellow River and the decrease in water table on the vegetation in the Yinchuan Plain was analyzed, and the proper groundwater level for vegetation development was al 在此基础上,对引用黄河水量及多年地下水位的变化对植被的影响进行了分析,并对适宜于植被发育的地下水位埋深进行了探讨。
Based on the tribological principle and the theory of contact mechanics,it is feasible to adopt curvature-changing structure in the Rock-bit journal bearing system.The structure and coupling relationship of curvature-changing journal bearing under the con 基于摩擦学原理和接触力学理论,提出了可在牙轮钻头滑动轴承中采用变曲率结构.在不考虑摩擦的情况下,就结构设计和配合关系等问题进行了分析讨论,划分了准变曲率、吻合变曲率以及间隙变曲率等3种结构形式;针对考虑摩擦时的变曲率结构,提出了接触形状优化和预磨合的实施方案.钻头轴承试验结果表明,无论是预设计变曲率还是预磨合变曲率,都能改善轴承摩擦副的摩擦学特性,因而值得进一步研究和推广.
Based on the triple depiction of GPF, a mapping relationship from GPF to component family was established and GPF based on inheritance was abstractly depicted. 通过绿色产品族的三元组表述,建立了绿色产品族到零部件族的映射关系,抽象表述了基于继承的绿色产品族。
Based on the tunnel construction between Gubei Road Station and Zhongshan Park Station, this paper introduces the design and manufacturing techniques, features and application of the first homemade earth pressure balance shield machine in the tunnel const 摘要以上海轨道交通古北路站-中山公园站区间隧道为工程背景,介绍我国首台用于地铁隧道施工的加泥式土压平衡盾构掘进机的设计制造工艺、技术特点和工程应用情况。
Based on the two texts: Dialogue within the Dialectic and For Marx, and beginning with the dialectical interaction between the two handhold of western Marxism: humanism and scicentism, the author attempted to discuss foreign scholars' polyphonic theory st 摘要该文以《辩证法的内部对话》和《保卫马克思》为文本依托,尝试从西方马克思主义人本主义与科学主义两条线索的辩证互动出发,探讨毛泽东《矛盾论》这一作品在黑格尔主义与反黑格尔主义之间的复调式理论立场,从而对《矛盾论》中的哲学逻辑从辩证法与本体论的意义上加以澄明。
Based on the two-stage duopoly model, it was discussed that how a company should deploy its e-business strategy under different competitive scenarios. 摘要基于两阶段博弈理论,讨论了企业该如何在不同的竞争环境中部署电子商务战略,以达到企业效益的最优化。

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