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Conclusion:So it can be said that the decoction has antibacterial activity in vitro .

Conclusion: yoga is not only an effective way to keep figure but also a good alternative to kill your irritability. 总结:瑜珈不仅是一种保持身材的有效方法而且也是抑制急躁的良好选择。
Conclusion:Add elements on the face purposefully,be cool. 总结:在基本的脸型上有目的地添加,就能有丰富表现。
Conclusion:In fraorbital foramen obliterate operation is a simple, safe, and effective method in treating infraorbital neuralgia, and it is worth of spreading. 结论:本术式简便,易行,安全,疗效可靠,有一定的推广价值。
Conclusion:It is very important that the antimicrobial drug therapy for senile pulmonary diseases should be used rationally. 结论:合理使用抗菌药物对老年人肺部感染性疾病的治疗非常重要。
Conclusion:New cesarean section is a better method in decreasing incidence in perinatal period compared with the traditional method. 结论:新式剖宫产术优于传统剖宫产术,对降低母、要围产期病率有一定的意义。
Conclusion:So it can be said that the decoction has antibacterial activity in vitro . 结论:黄药子水煎液具有体外抑菌作用。
Conclusion:This finding suggested that partial cystectomy combined with chemotherapywas clinically useful and valuable awaiting further investigation. 结论:此方法近期疗效好,是治疗膀胱癌的一种有效的手段,值得进一步研究。
Conclusion:Xanthinol Nieotinate is a safe and effective drug for treatment of acute cerebral embolism. 结论:烟酸占替诺是一种治疗急性脑梗塞安全有效的药物。
ConclusionTo strengthen clinical practice is the key point for improving the clinical ability of the intern doctors. 结论加强临床实践教学是提高实习医师临床能力的关键。
Conclusions : Patients showed greater memory performance for words presented during general anesthesia than for words not presented. 结论:患者对于在全身麻醉时讲述过的文字相比未讲述过的显示更好的记忆。
Conclusions : These results indicate that acute late sepsis facilitates endplate potentials and enhances excitability of the muscle membrane, indicated by a decrease of critical depolarization. 结论:这些结果显示急性迟发性脓毒血症易化终板电位,增强肌肉细胞膜的兴奋性,减少临界去极化。

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