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A noun or substantive that receives or is affected by the action of a verb within a sentence.

A notice was placed by the river bank warning people to keep off the thin ice. 河边有一个布告牌,警告人们不要在薄冰上行走。
A notification to the linker that the section contains COFF shared library information. 告知链接器,段包含共享库的COFF信息。
A notion has taken hold in the United States to the effect that the only people who should be encouraged to bring children into the world are those who can afford them. 在美国有一种根深蒂固的观点说是:只有对那些抚养得起子女的民族,才应鼓励其生育。
A notion in economics known as the paradox of value is closely tied to consumers' surplus. 在经济学中,价值的反论这一概念是与消费者盈余密切有关的。
A notorious gangster; a district notorious for vice. 臭名昭著的匪徒;因恶行而闻名的地区
A noun or substantive that receives or is affected by the action of a verb within a sentence. 宾语一个句子中接受动词的动作或受之影响的名词或名词性词组
A nourishing anti-aging lotion that works in harmony with your skin to help accelerate skin's natural renewal process. 日常使用的抗老化乳液,与皮肤自身的化学物质协同配合,帮助加速皮肤的自我更新过程。
A novel GPR antenna that is the dipole with discrete exponential resistive above the image plane is present in paper. 本文将给出一种新型的探地雷达天线,该天线为置于镜像面上且具有离散指数电阻加载的单偶极子。
A novel and simple method of dynamical roll measurement was proposed which uses a quarter waveplate as sensitivity part. 摘要利用1/4波片作为滚转角敏感器件,提出了一种新的测量滚转角的方法。
A novel anticoagulative biomaterial which was prepared from modified graphite oxide and silicone rubber through solution intercalated reaction was synthesized, The excellent properties of the new type nanocomposites, such as good mechanical strength and b 摘要利用溶液插层法合成了新型的硅橡胶/氧化石墨-十八烷基二甲基-2-羟乙基溴化铵-肝素纳米抗凝血复合膜材料,并通过机械性能测试、X射线衍射、血小板黏附试验和肝素扩散速率测定实验对复合膜材料的力学性能和血液相容性进行了表征。
A novel aqueous two-phase system can be formed by the mixtures of a polymer and cationicanionic surfactants.Such a system can be used as a partitioning system of proteins.In this work,we investigated the formation,phase behavior and protein partitioning i 报道了由正负离子表面活性剂与高聚物混合溶液形成的一种可用于蛋白质的分离及分析的新型双水相萃取体系.研究了正负离子表面活性剂(溴化十二烷基三乙铵/十二烷基硫酸钠)分别与葡聚糖和聚乙二醇混合双水相体系的形成规律、相行为及牛血清蛋白和溶菌酶在双水相体系中的分配.通过在高聚物分子中接上亲和配基,研究蛋白质在双水相体系中的亲和分配.结果表明,在该体系中,表面活性剂与高聚物分别富集于不同相中.升高温度及加入无机盐均可促进双水相体系的形成,不同蛋白质可分配于不同的相中.亲和配基的引入极大地增强了蛋白质分配的选择性.

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