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Just as the emperor was about to call it a day, an oink and squeal was heard from a little pig.

Just as the boundary of the Escher print is a circle, the boundary of four-dimensional anti-de Sitter space at any moment in time is a sphere. 就如同艾雪版画的边界是个圆,四维反德西特空间的边界在任何时刻都是个二维的球。
Just as the cause of the fire that destroys a house can be both the spilled kerosene on the floor and the discarded cigarette stub, child labor can have many triggering factors. 正如烧毁房舍的火灾,可能是倾倒在地的煤油和丢弃的菸头一起引发,童工也可能是多种因素共同促成。
Just as the construction of this grand Monument required a very long and hard course, so too with the construction of bilateral relations between our two countries; many people of high ideals and integrity have devoted their energy, wisdom, and even lives 正如建设华盛顿纪念塔这一伟大工程经历了37年漫长艰苦的过程一样,在缔造中美两个大国的友好关系方面,也经历了各种风雨。
Just as the disciples asked Jesus to teach them how to pray, so many people today ask the same question; it would be presumptuous of us, however, to tell another exactly how he should formulate the words of anything so personal and private as a prayer. 正如使徒们问耶稣请教他们应该如何祈祷一样,如今许多人也问同样的问题;但如果我们告诉一个人应该如何祈祷,这样就太蛮不讲理了,因为祈祷是极其个人的和私下的。
Just as the economy appeared to be taking a turn for the better, with share prices trending higher and business sentiment improving, the yen's sharp appreciation looks set to spoil the party. 表面上,日本经济已出现好转,股价呈上升趋势,商业信心有所改善,但恰在此时,日元却大幅升值,这似乎注定要影响日本经济复苏的步伐。
Just as the emperor was about to call it a day, an oink and squeal was heard from a little pig. 正当玉皇大帝要宣布比赛结束时,一只小猪发出了长而尖的呼噜声。
Just as the film got started, the projector bulb often blew out. 但是常常影片才刚开始播放,放映机的灯泡却烧坏了。
Just as the flattery of a friend can pervert, so the insult of an enemy can sometimes correct. 朋友的谄媚会败坏一个人的品德;同样的道理,敌人的侮辱有时也能矫正你的错误。
Just as the foreman of a spinning-mill settles the work-people in their places, walks up and down the works, and noting any stoppage or unusual creaking or too loud a whir in the spindles, goes up hurriedly, slackens the machinery and sets it going proper 像一个纺纱作坊的老板,让劳动者就位以后,便在作坊里踱来踱去,发现纺锤停止转动,或者声音逆耳,轧轧作响、音量太大时,就赶快走去制动纺车,或者使它运转自如——安娜·帕夫洛夫娜也是这样处理事情的,她在自己客厅里踱来踱去,不时地走到寂然无声或者谈论过多的人群面前,开口说句话或者调动他们的坐位,于是又使谈话机器从容不迫地、文质彬彬地转动起来。
Just as the gangway was about to be withdrawn, it suddenly came over her that a whole ocean was soon to separate her and her loved ones. 正当跳板将要收起的时候她突然意识到整个大海即将把她与她所爱的人隔开。
Just as the great command to go and preach the Gospel was not only meant for the disciples but for us too, so the very last command, Tarry till ye be endued with power from on high,Wait for the promise of the Father,Ye shall be baptized with the Holy Ghos 耶稣留给我们的大使命,向万民传福音,不仅是对门徒说的,也是对每一位弟兄姐妹们说的;同样的,「你要等候那从上面来的能力」,这命令也是对众弟兄姐妹们说的,「你要等候父所应许的」、「你要受圣灵的洗」,这些经文不但是对我们说的,也是给我们一个确据——同心合意的祷告必蒙垂听。

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