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Vietnam War: White House Press Secretary Ron Ziegler tells the press that there will be no more public announcements concerning American troop withdrawals from Vietnam due to the fact that troop levels are now down to 27,000.

Viet Nam's contributions to international organizations and forums have helped raise its position and prestige in the international arena. 越南对国家组织和论坛的贡献已为提升自身在国际舞台的地位和影响力发挥了作用。
Vietnam War: National Security Council members agree to recommend that US President Lyndon B. Johnson adopt a plan for a two-stage escalation of bombing in North Vietnam. 1964年,越南战争:国家安全委员会的成员同意建议美国总统林德B·约翰逊接受对北越分两阶段进行的、增加轰炸投弹的计划。
Vietnam War: Newly sworn in US President Lyndon B. Johnson confirms that the United States intends to continue supporting South Vietnam militarily and economically. 1963年,越南战争:刚刚宣誓就位的美国总统林德B·约翰逊证实美国计划继续对南越提供武力和经济上的支持。
Vietnam War: US President Lyndon B. Johnson and his top-ranking advisers meet to discuss plans to bomb North Vietnam. 1964年的越南战争:美国总统林德B·约翰逊与他的最高顾问会见讨论对北越进行轰炸的计划。
Vietnam War: US and South Vietnamese forces engage Viet Cong troops in the Mekong Delta. 1967年的越南战争中:美国和南越的军人,与越共军队在湄公河的三角州交战。
Vietnam War: White House Press Secretary Ron Ziegler tells the press that there will be no more public announcements concerning American troop withdrawals from Vietnam due to the fact that troop levels are now down to 27,000. 1972年的越南战争:白宫新闻秘书让·齐格勒告知媒体基于在越的美军人数已减至2万7千人的事实,今后不会再有关于美军从越南撤军的公告。
Vietnam also has reported recent cases of blue ear decease (disease). 越南也报告说最近发现蓝耳猪的病例。
Vietnam has had the most cases. 越南的病例最多。
Vietnam is gradually playing a bigger role on the world stage. 越南正在世界舞台上渐渐扮演更重要的角色。
Vietnam is on the south of China. 越南在中国的南边。
Vietnam is the country with the fastest developing speed in Lancangjiang-Mekong River Sub-region (GMS) and the related statistical data in recent twenty years show that the energy demand increases higher than its annual GDP. 摘要越南是GMS中发展速度最快的国家,近20年来的统计资料表明越南的能源需求持续以高于其GDP的年增长率递增。

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