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A FORLORN shop facing a dusty car park in one of the poorest parts of Phoenix, Arizona, is an inauspicious place to start a closely watched experiment in global retailing.

A Excuse me, does the Hotel Business Centre arrange translators? 请问,旅馆的商务中心能安排翻译吗?
A Excuse me. We are going on the hotel tour to the Ming Tombs and the Great Wall tomorrow. 劳驾。我们明天要随旅馆的旅游团去明十三陵和长城。
A Extra money is always helpful. 额外挣的钱总是很有帮助。
A FASCIST: You have two cows. The government seizes both and sells you the milk. You join the underground and start a campaign of sabotage. 法西斯者:你有两头母牛,政府把两头都夺走了,然后把牛奶卖给你。你加入了地下组织,开始反抗运动。
A FFT spectrum analyzer was used to measure the resonant frequency. 试验时采用六种实大尺寸试材,共振频率之测定系利用FFT频谱分析仪。
A FORLORN shop facing a dusty car park in one of the poorest parts of Phoenix, Arizona, is an inauspicious place to start a closely watched experiment in global retailing. 似乎,把全球零售业的近距离观察试验,放到亚利桑那州凤凰城中最穷的地区,一个门口有着脏兮兮的停车场脏且人迹罕至的超市里,不是一个成功的好兆头。
A FOURTH United States Navy carrier group was heading for the Gulf yesterday, which will bring to about 300 the number of US Navy aircraft instantly available to attack positions in Afghanistan or to defend the bombers carrying out those attacks. 昨天(10月1日)第四个美国海军航母战斗群驶向海湾,它使美国海军可用于立即投入攻击阿富汗阵地或为袭击这些目标的轰炸机提供护航的作战飞机达到300架.
A FabLab in Takoradi, Ghana, is developing machines powered by the sun for cooking and other uses. 加纳塔科纳腊迪的一个私人实验室,正在研发用于做饭及其他用途的太阳能机器。
A Factor Analysis Model is constructed to analyze variables influencing yield and sown area in grain production. 摘要在建立因子分析模型基础上,本文对中国粮食单产和播种面积的影响因子进行了实证分析。
A Filipino maid was executed in Singapore after being convicted of murder, despite protests from various quarters that her guilt had not been adequately established. 一名菲律宾女佣在被指控犯有谋杀罪之后被处死,虽然各地都抗议说她的犯罪事实不能充分确定。
A Fine Champagne cognac is made from a blend of brandies from what two regions? 优质香槟干邑白兰地采用哪两个地区的白兰地勾兑而成?

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