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The article makes use of derivation, variable substitution, and interation methods, gives several new types integral differential equation, and proves their integrality.

The article makes a preliminary probe into the question by focusing on the following three aspects: national values of relativism, nihilism education of Emperorshipand the incompleteness of reforms after WWⅡ. 本文主要从相对主义的民族价值观、“皇国史观”的虚无主义教化、日本二战后改革的不彻底性这三方面进行了初步探讨。
The article makes both quantitative and qualitative analysis of the research papers on individualized information services in China by using retrieval system,such as the database of the Chinese Journal of Science and Technology of VIP.The paper tries to p 文章利用维普资讯的“科技期刊中文数据库”,对我国有关个性化信息服务的研究论文进行了定量和定性分析,力图提供一些个性化信息服务的有益信息。
The article makes discussion on the study turning from the noumenon theory of social culture to that of human nature with anthropology, and on the de-construction of truth and interpretation with the construction of the ethnography poetics and political n 摘要本文通过讨论人类学由社会文化本体到人性本体的研究转向,民族志诗学和政治性所包涵的建构的真实与表述的解构,以及中国“不浪费”的人类学对人类学诗学的实践,阐释了作者关于人类学应基于人性观照的人本研究的主张。
The article makes parallel research on the Archaeological culture of the Yun-Gui Plateau and the south of the five ridges from the era of Paleolith to the Xi Han Dynasty, and discusses the intercommunication and interaction of the early culture between th 摘要本文通过对旧石器时代至西汉时期云贵高原与岭南考古学文化的对比研究,探讨二者之间早期文化的相互交流与影响。
The article makes some preliminary research and inquisitions as far as the economic transformation of the coal cities in China which is directed against the realities of the coal cities, especially Datong, uses the basic theory of economics what I study a 摘要本文针对煤炭城市的特点和实际情况,运用经济学基本理论,结合工作实际,就我国煤炭城市的经济转型问题进行了研究,提出了煤炭城市经济转型的对策建议。
The article makes use of derivation, variable substitution, and interation methods, gives several new types integral differential equation, and proves their integrality. 摘要借助求导、变量代换、迭代等方法,给出了几类新的积分微分方程,论证了他们的可积性。
The article makes use of main composition analysis to put in order and compare for the population quality level in twenty-one districts of Sichuan and integrate with the situation of economic development level in each district, at the same time, the autho 摘要本文运用主成分分析,对四川省21个市、州人口素质水平进行了排序和比较,并结合各地区经济发展水平的状况,分析了存在差异的主要原因,以便为更好地指导和规划人口的高素质发展提供一定的科学依据。
The article narrates current sodium chlorate production situation and describes its development prospect in our country. 本文叙述了国内外氯酸钠生産现状及生産技术,初步展望了我国氯酸钠工业的发前景,并对今后的发提出了建议。
The article narrates the intercourse between the Hui nationality in Hainan and Moslem at home and abroad in detail from three aspects: Hainan Hui nationality's traveling and leaning in inland Hui nationality regions where people of a certain ethnic group 论题从海南回族到内地回族聚居区的游学、内地穆斯林来海南以及海南回族与国外的往来三个方面详细叙述了海南回族与国内外穆斯林的交往情况。
The article not only presents the first, second and third elemental form of pseudo sphere, but also the third elemental form of conoid and curve. 摘要不但给出了伪球面的第一基本形式、第二基本形式及第三基本形式,而且给出了一般曲面的第三基本形式。
The article obtained from our country securities market false statement manifestation and the technique and its civil responsibility legislation present situation, discussed the standard of false statement infringement, analyzed the reasons of our country 摘要从我国证券市场虚假陈述的表现形式和手法及其民事责任的立法现状入手,探讨了虚假陈述侵权的认定标准,分析了我国虚假陈述制度救济不力的原因,阐明了虚假陈述民事赔偿的具体操作及赔偿金额的确定,论证了虚假陈述民事责任诉讼不易采取“前置程序”。

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