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3rd, when changnei combat must obey drillmaster's direction.

3rd Pair: governs our mental body. 第三对:支配我们的精神身体。
3rd hole: No doubt you will be deeply attracted by the charming scenery while walking sunward or downsun on the fairway, and the difficulty of grasping the hole easily gets slipped from your mind as a result. 第3洞:无论你踏着夕阳,还是迎着朝阳走在球道上,都会被这着景深深地吸引,而忘记了脚下所在的球洞难以掌握。
3rd teaching; used in aikido to refer to a twisting movement of the wrist and fingers used to unbalance an opponent. 第三个教导;在合气道中表示做一个手腕及手指的扭转运动,用来让对手失去平衡.
3rd, did not think the Chinese dress only can match the plate to become a hair bun the hairstyle, although safe, actually rather some conservative and is obsolete. 别以为旗袍只能搭配盘成一个髻的发型,虽然安全,却未免有些保守和过时。
3rd, the scene light really is being unable to satisfy photography color warm time us only then to be able to consider the use flashing light, if you discovered we photographer when photography does not use dodges when the lamp asks you to can rest assure 现场光线在实在无法满足拍摄色温时我们才会考虑使用闪光灯,如您发现我们的摄影师在拍摄时不使用闪灯时请您放心,这属于正常拍摄!
3rd, when changnei combat must obey drillmaster's direction. 在场内作战时要听从教官的指挥。
3the Apple is a noisy place. 纽约是个嘈杂的地方.
4 A Board meeting shall be convened at least once a year within the first quarter of a financial year given that an audit report has been issued for the previous financial year. 4只要前一财政年度的审计报告已经出具,董事会会议每年至少应在该财政年度的第一季度内召开一次。
4 A Wisconsin man is free after spending two hours stuck in a vat of chocolate. 威斯康星州一男子在落入巧克力桶两小时后终于脱险。
4 A bile duct disease called primary sclerosing cholangitis. 原发性硬化性胆管炎。
4 A plan people killing panda is now ready. 一个计划人们杀死熊猫正准备。

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