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Atrophie blanche is a disease of recurrent and spontaneous ulcerations of the lower leg, and it affects middle-aged women mostly.

Atria have become much more common as integral components of commercial building designs over the last twenty years. 在过去的二十年里中庭作为商业建筑设计中不可或缺部分已愈加普遍。
Atrial fibrillation (AF) is a common arrhythmia. 摘要心房颤动是一种常见的心律失常。
Atrial septal defect was diagnosed by transthoracic echocardiography thereafter. 经心脏超音波诊断出有心房中膈缺损。
Atrip! 锚离底!
Atrophic corneal ulcer occurred in his right eye, and a partial lateral tarsorrhaphy was done in that eye before referral to out clinic. 一名45岁男性病人因长期甲状腺亢进造成突眼及眼睑收缩。
Atrophie blanche is a disease of recurrent and spontaneous ulcerations of the lower leg, and it affects middle-aged women mostly. 摘要白色萎缩症是好发于中年女性下肢的反覆性及自发性溃疡之疾病。
Atta is believed to have been a ringleader of the hijackers, but it is not known whether he wrote the letter. 阿塔据信是劫机者中的头目,但目前不清楚信件是否出自他手。
Atta's luggage never made it onto the plane which he would commandeer. 阿塔的行李不知何故未能上飞机。
Attach a cost to each goal. 为每项目标加入成本金额.
Attach and fix the tap securely as illustrated. 如图所示牢固地连接并固定分接头。
Attach belt cover 2 on the arm and the support. 把皮带护罩2安装到机架和支柱上。

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