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A staggering percentage of America’s adults are unequipped for life in a modern society.

A stag at bay is a dangerous foe. 不带女伴的男人在海湾是危险的敌人。
A stage in ecological development in which a community of organisms, especially plants, is stable and capable of perpetuating itself. 顶极群落,演替顶极生态发展的一个阶段,在此阶段一群有机体(尤指植物)能保持自身的稳定及永存
A stage set in the Outdoor 6)Landscape area allows musical 7)talents to rock the nights away. 设置于「户外景观」区的一座舞台,可让有音乐细胞的人整夜摇滚。
A stage whisper was heard from the percussion section: And if he can't handle even that, they take away one of his sticks and make him a conductor. 这时,从打击乐队那边传来一个低低的声音:“当他连那也不能演奏好的时候,人们就再拿走他的一根木棍,让他做指挥。”
A staggering or tottering movement or gait. 蹒跚的步态左右摆晃或蹒跚的动作或步态
A staggering percentage of America’s adults are unequipped for life in a modern society. 美国成年人中无法适应现代社会生活的比例高得惊人。
A staggering percentage of America’s adults are unequipped for life is a modern society. 美国成年人中无法适应现代社会生活的比例高得惊人。
A staid-looking gentleman was upset at the dress of some young people in the street. 一位样子古板的绅士,对大街上一些年轻人的穿着很反感。
A stairway and elevator connect these spaces to the chapel below. 一部楼梯以及电梯将这些与楼下的小礼拜堂连接起来。
A stalled car backed up traffic for miles. 一辆停下的小汽车造成了几英里的堵车。
A stamped envelope is enclosed for reply. 随信附上贴邮票的信封一个,静候回音。

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