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Don't play with your gun in that way, or you'll make cold meat of some of us.

Don't play video games every day. 不要每天玩电子游戏。
Don't play with fire regarding your personal and professional life. 双鱼座:无论是个人生活还是职业生涯都不要玩火。
Don't play with my computer. 什么意思?(不要和我的电脑玩?)
Don't play with the Zhangs from now on. 今后不要和张家的孩子玩。
Don't play with your food. That's very impolite. 不要玩食物。这样很不礼貌。
Don't play with your gun in that way, or you'll make cold meat of some of us. 别那样玩枪,不然的话,我们当中准会有人被你打死。
Don't play your radio at full volume. 不要把收音机开到最大的音量。
Don't plug any compressor in the sum bus during mixdown. 在缩混期间,不要在总线上插入任何的压缩器。
Don't poke into my private affairs. 不要干涉我的私事。
Don't poke you nose into what doesn't concern you.Attend to what concerns you. 别管与你无关的闲事. 注意与你有关的事物.
Don't polish those badges, the gilt will wear off if you do. 不要擦那些徽章,否则光辉就会给磨掉的。

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