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Both histopathological and immunohistochemical examinations revealed characteristic changes of myxxoid neurothekeoma (nerve sheath myxoma).

Both high temperature and high humility are beneficial to formation and accumulation of nornicotine during yellowing. 去甲基烟碱含量烤后较烤前增加,而且变黄期高温、高湿均有利于去甲基烟碱的形成和积累。
Both his arms were inside the full-size crocodile's jaws and the beast was dragging him into deeper waters when he decided to fight back. 他的两条胳膊都被咬到张大嘴巴的鄂鱼的嘴巴里,当他决定反击时,鄂鱼正把他望深水里拖。
Both his eyes are hurt. 他的两眼都受伤了。
Both his grandparents were buried here. 他的祖父母都葬在这里。
Both his supplication in Chinese, and my calligraphy are attached. 他的中文祈请电邮及我的翰墨两者一并附呈。
Both histopathological and immunohistochemical examinations revealed characteristic changes of myxxoid neurothekeoma (nerve sheath myxoma). 病灶之组织病理学检查及免疫组织化学反应均显示为典型的黏液性神经鞘瘤(神经鞘黏液瘤)。
Both homeroom teachers in each class are responsible for co-teaching English, Math, Science, Social Studies and Art. 班主任(中英教师各1名)共同教学(英语、数学、自然常识、社会课、艺术)。
Both houses are not white. 两所房子不都是白色的。
Both houses of congress held hearings this week on conditions at Walter Reed Army medical center in Washington. 在本周,国会两院分别就华盛顿的沃尔特里德军队医疗中心的状况召开听证会。
Both husband and wife go to work inorder to augment the family income. 很明显,这句话的意思是“为了增加家庭收入,夫妻双双都去工作”。
Both husband and wife have the duty to practise family planning. 夫妻双方有实行计划生育的义务。

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