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In the new paper, the team reports that contraction forces increased when the BEHM tissues were bathed in a solution that included additional calcium and a drug that acts on beta-adrenergic receptors.

In the new literary campaign during May 4(subscript th) movement, Zhou Zuo-ren proposed the literature of human-being, which has long been regarded as the response to western humanism. 摘要“五四”新文学运动时期,周作人提出了“人”的文学,这一主张一直以来被认为是对西方人文主义的回应。
In the new method the uncertainty of the system to be controlled is normalized firstly, and then the partition of unity that is subordinated to a open covering of state variables compact set is constructed, and the approximation is realized by using its p 该方法首先对被控系统中的不确定性进行归一化处理,进而构造出从属于状态变量的紧致域的一组开覆盖的单位分解,利用其具有以任意精度逼近非线性连续函数的性质,实现了对被控系统不确定性的近似逼近,然后设计了复杂系统的分散鲁棒控制器和参数估计的自适应律,并证明了这种控制器使被控系统的状态及参数估计误差一致终极有界。
In the new millennium, COFCO will capitalize upon the Hong Kong capital market to accelerate the pace of getting more international and take strides and leaps towards its set target - to become an internationally renowned multinational with strong market 新的世纪,中粮集团将借助香港资本市场,加快与国际接轨,向着自己的目标——具有较强市场竞争力和行业影响力的国际知名的跨国公司大步跃进,把更多的优质产品奉献给千家万户,为人类创造美好的生活、美好的未来。
In the new millennium, the issue of development has caught redoubled attention from various countries in the world. 在新的千年,发展问题备受世界各国的重视。
In the new movie Panic Room, Jodie Foster barricades herself in a high-tech bunker inside her New York brownstone, while burglars try to get in. 在新电影《战栗空间》中,朱迪·福斯特把她自己困在了纽约一所大房子中的一个高科技地下堡垒里。当时,强盗们正试图闯入这所房子。
In the new paper, the team reports that contraction forces increased when the BEHM tissues were bathed in a solution that included additional calcium and a drug that acts on beta-adrenergic receptors. 该项研究中,研究小组报道认为,浸泡于溶液中的BEHM组织受到溶液中的钙及β肾上腺素能药物影响,能够引起收缩力增加。
In the new phase, despit the stable relation between the Party, government and society among proctical plights. 新阶段中国党政社关系进入了一个相对稳定的演展通道,同时也面临着一系列必须直面的现实境遇。
In the new plan, the position of the studied strata in the stratigraphic column of Late Precambrian of China shows an impotant relation between Sinian System and Qingbaikou System on the geologic and biologic evolution. 新方案中这些地层在我国晚前寒武纪地层柱中的位置,反应出了震旦系与青白口系的地史演化及生物演化间的重要关系。
In the new situation, how to cogently perform the developing work for student party members is an important task. 新形势下切实做好学生党员的发展工作是高校党建的一项重要任务。
In the new situation, the concept of management should be human-based and we should plan comprehensively and stick to sorted guidance, integrate strength, actively provide service, manage by law and insist on innovation, so that the management of talent b 摘要新形势下的管理观要以人为本,搞好统筹规划,坚持分类指导,注意整合力量,积极提供服务,实行依法管理,坚持走观念创新之路,充分实现党对人才的管理,以完成执政党为人民服务、建设现代化强国的重要职责。
In the new stage of new era, to grasp an accurate consensus guidance must fully analyze on domestic and overseas situations, emphasize on the main point of party's propaganda thought working, keep party's principle, innovate propagating mode and method, f 在新世纪新阶段,要把握正确的舆论导向,就必须全面分析国内外形势,突出党的宣传思想工作重点,坚持党性原则,创新宣传形式和方法,加强编解队伍建设,强化基础设施建设,为全面落实科学发展观和构建社会主义和谐社会服务。

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